An Explanation

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(Figured I should put a spoiler warning for this chapter. Not everything in this chapter is canon but some of it is, so fair warning.)

Third person POV:

Almost everyone was in the dining hall, except for the doctors and nurses, it was currently early in the morning around 8:20, any DVR3 contestants that weren't there were most likely in their rooms. (The ones that aren't there being Kokichi, Korekiyo, Maki, Ryoma, and Tsumugi and Kiibo for obvious reasons.)

The former contestants of DVR3 were still recovering from everything that had happened in the last few months, which is how long they had been in the simulation. Originally the simulation was not supposed to harm anyone, but it somehow malfunctioned during the game.

Near the end during the last trial, Tsumugi told the remaining contestants that their reality and personality's weren't real. While what she said is true after the simulation ended no one could remember their previous life before the killing game. A few people have remembered little things, but they still don't know much other than the three audition videos Tsumugi showed in the last trial.

There were in fact two games before theirs. The first one was not in any way a simulation. Everyone that had died really did die. The survivors were Byakuya Togami, Toko Fuwakawa, Aoi Asahina, Makoto Naegi, Kyoko Kirigiri, and Yasuhiro Hagakure. They started the Future foundation. However there is one acception to the ones that died, Mukuro Inkusaba lived. You see she had been "killed" by Monokuma while at the time she was pretending to be her sister Junko. However much Junko would like to have killed her she was still useful.

Following that the second game took place this one was a simulation in the Neo World program which had been hacked by a remnant of despair or more accurately Junko. When she hacked in it started a virus which cause Izuru to not be completely erased. Sadly Chiaki Nanami had been killed before they went into the Neo World program, when she was killed that sent everyone into despair resulting in the 'Despair Ark'. She was still however in the Neo world program as an AI.

Tsumugi even though she had been in charge of the third game she had also entered the game herself. But when it malfunctioned she could not leave the simulation, she was forced to play out her role as the mastermind. She did still retain injuries but not as bad as the other contestants as she was the creator and mastermind. She was sore for a while after she got out of the game and also had a broken arm, leg, and a sprained wrist on the non broken arm. She go out of the game before the survivors, she is also the only one who knows the fate of K1-B0 or Kiibo. And to add onto that she still remembers things from before the killing game.

While most of the DVR3 contestants were in the dining hall Mikan came in, with her there were five other people. Those people being Togami, Naegi, Kyoko, Hajime, and Nagito.(Yes it is true he was successful SuMMonEd. Also quick explanation, Hajime has a split personality and Heterochromia, one red eye and one green eye, his other personality is Izuru. While in the Neo world program Izuru was not completely erased. And side note, Izuru/Hajime still has Chiaki's hairpin.) Naegi was the first to speak, "as you all know, you are getting dorms. The dorm assignments are posted on the wall to the right of the door, outside the dinning hall. Which you can all go look at but first we'd like to say a few things." As he spoke he seemed to be a tad nervous but only a few picked up on it.

Kyoko was the next one to speak. "Since you have all gotten out of the simulation you have had to undergo at least some sort of therapy. I know most of you have talked things out with each other, however....we feel that for you to.....recover mentally, it might help if you started to take a group therapy." Most of the future foundation members seemed reluctant not knowing how the DVR3 contestants would react. They knew there was still some animosity between a few of them. Their also hoping it might benefit the ones that have chosen to stay sequestered away in their rooms, as well as adding the dorm system.

"Nyeeehh, I have a question." Himiko piped up. Naegi nodded so she took that as a sign to continue. "Why aren't the others here? I mean I sort of get why Tsumugi isn't but uh- where are the others shouldn't they be here?" Himiko asked. Even though everyone else was thinking the same thing, they weren't sure they should bring it up.

After Himiko's question, everyone felt a bit uneasy, albeit for different reasons. The Future Foundation members because they knew the answer, and the contestants because they were afraid they either knew the reason or because they didn't.

"I can answer your question, Himiko."

(Hey there everyone! Thank you to those who are reading this book I'm glad it has at least interested you enough to read it, the next chapter will hopefully be out soon!!)

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