The end is only the beginning

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Kokichi's POV:

"You ready Kokichi?" Kaito asks from the controls. "Yeah.....goodbye."

I don't really want to die, but it's for the best.


'At least I wasn't boring right?'

Kaito starts the hydraulic Press once again. I feel an overwhelming pain.. and then everything goes black.






Ugh. W-what happened? Everything hurts. I try to blink open my eyes, to bright! I open them again and let them adjust to the light. Where... where am I? "Ah! Your awake!" Hmm? I look to my left a little, there was a girl wearing a nurse dress. (Does that make sense?) Her hair was long and looked to be a deep magenta color. "W-who are you?" I asked confused. Wait. Didn't I die?! "Ah right sorry! My name is Mikan Tsumiki. And technically no you didn't die." She said sounding kind of nervous. Oh wait did I say that part aloud? 

 "Wait,Tsumiki-San what do you mean technically?" I distinctly remember getting crushed by the press, and the pain... "W-well it was not real, or it was a simulation. A-also please just call me Tsumiki." Wait simulation? Then.. "does that mean the others are alive?!" I exclaimed as I tried to sit up but fell back down. Ow. "Oh! Please don't strain yourself! Yes your friends are alive." I wouldn't call them my friends exactly since they all hated me and probably still do. But I'm glad their alive. (Even if he won't admit it he regrets what he did to Gonta by manipulating him to kill Miu) "H-hold still while I check you for injuries." I gave her a questioning look. "Oh, right. Um even though it was just a game there are after a-affects." "After affects? What do you mean?" What am I gonna sprout ears and a tail? "Well u-um. Your personalities were altered, and so were your me-memories. Plus, the way you d-die can also have lasting affects on your body." She said as she started to check me for injuries.

I was in deep thought taking in what she had just said until I realized something. "Wait so if our memories and personalities were altered does that mean we'll go back to how we used to be?" She paused for a second seeming to think about the answer. "Well I-I don't think you'll be exactly how you used to be. But I know that you'll slowly start to remember. Some of the ones that woke up have started to remember little things here and there." Oh. I guess that makes sense. "You seem to be pretty healthy, except you won't be able to move your legs for a while. And will need to undergo physical therapy. Other than your hair color turning white, you don't have any noticeable damage. And any scars you have were already there." She said without stuttering at all, I'm surprised she was able to get through the sentence. Must be because she was talking about my medical health. 

"So wait. I'll be able to move my legs eventually? And also why is my hair turning white?" I kind of understand why I can't move my legs since my whole body was crushed by the press in the simulation. But why is my hair color white?! "I-I think it's due to shock." 

"A-anyway, I need to go look over your medical information and check on some of the other p-patients." Tsumiki said as she turned around and headed to the door. "Please do g-get some r-rest. I'll be b-back to check on you i-in a little while, we can t-talk more then." She said before she left out the door.

That is a lot to process. At least the others are alive. To bad I am though...

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