A not so healthy dose of self-deprication

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Kokichi's POV:

Earlier Kiyo came into my room to tell me about the group therapy exercise, I also know about the dorms 'cause Mikan told me. But I guess they wanted us to socialize more with each mother even though half of us killed others and no longer remember our pasts except for a few things.

While some people remember more than others, I'm pretty sure some of our memories would be best left forgotten. I know I'd like to forget, I'm not stupid I know the dreams I've been having or nightmares more like, are my memories. Even if some of the details are hazy, they aren't all that good. One thing tho, I remember someone who was in both my pre game self's life, as well as in game... I- I'm not sure how I feel about them, though guess I'll have to talk to them during the therapy session.

Although, to be honest I'm pretty anxious to do the group therapy, there's still a lot of resentment towards me because of my actions during the game... I know that, but it still hurts. I always found it sort of lonely having to be mean to lie and push them away, to.. frame them. But I guess perhaps that's all i was really good for in the end. Lying. I mean think about it I kept lying over and over and it soon just became natural to me. But it still hurt, even though I was doing it for them.




Shuichi was right. I am alone...

And I always will be.

(Hey there again, yeah I know I haven't posted in quite a while but here's a chapter for you to enjoy! The story will be continuing.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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