Please Socialize With Eachother

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The survivors of the game, Shuichi, Maki, and Himiko recently woke up. Shuichi and Himiko were shocked to learn the game truly was a simulation but thrilled to find out that their friends were alive. Most have started to socialize and talk, but I'm worried about the few that aren't, Maki, Korekiyo, and Kokichi.

Sure maki was thrilled to find out Kaito and the others were alive and that it was a simulation, but she doesn't seem to feel up to socializing with the others. Korekiyo still won't open up to or talk to anyone. Whatever it was that he remembered wasn't good, along with the way he died in the simulation, he currently isn't in the best mental state. Kokichi has been having nightmares of who knows what but every time he does he can't get back to sleep. Some of the nightmares have even sent him into panic attacks. I'm think the nightmares might be memories of his, he might not understand that their real and if he does he might not want to believe them.

Since everyone will be moved into dorms soon, recommended Kokichi and Korekiyo to be in the same room. Hopefully that will help them both, they can help each other. The reason for the dorms is so they can feel more comfortable in their rooms, plus they'll probably be staying here for a while.

"Tsumiki-San?" One of the nurses asked bringing me out of my thoughts. "O-oh, y-yes wh-what is i-it?" I stuttered out. "Here's the dorm arrangement you asked for, who will be where and who will be with who." The nurse said handing me a file. "Oh, y-yes than-thank you." She then walked away but I was to busy ready the document to notice, or care really.

The room assignments are- oh it seems there's three in one room. Oh yeah there's an uneven number of each gender since the individual K1-B0 or Kiibo is missing. And Tsumugi is the one who created the simulation the others were stuck in, long story short the simulation malfunctioned they weren't supposed to actually get hurt. They may have signed up to be in the game, but to be fair the game changed them and definitely had some repercussions.

Angie Yonaga, Tenko Chabashira, and Himiko Yumeno are all in one room together. And it will be separated so the girls are together and so are the guys.

It seems the three guys that are sharing a room are Shuichi Saihara, Rantaro Amami, and Kaito Momota.

The other roommates are:

Miu Iruma and Kaede Akamatsu

Maki Harukawa and Kirumi Tojo

Gonta Gokuhara and Ryoma Hoshi

Lastly they put Korekiyo Shinguji and Kokichi Ouma in the same room.

I really hope- (*Nagito bursts in* "wHo SuMMonEd mE?!) that the roommates get along and everything goes ok.

I checked the clock and it's about time I go and check up on them all before their moved into their rooms. I set the files down and set off down the hall.

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