What happened to these kids?

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Mikan's POV-

After checking on Kokichi I had gone to see if their was anymore medical information on him and the other..um contestant...patients. Some of them have yet to wake up still. Kaito, one who k-killed Kokichi in the simulation, he woke up a couple hours before Kokichi. Kaito still has a few things wrong with his throat as well as a few scars, (from the attempted execution, by Monokuma) he actually died from an unknown disease, but Kokichi has quite a few...side effects from the way he died.


Um. Oh no, his medical information has something new added to it. Hm. It seem that his blood test results came back...oh goodness that's not good. Apparently when he was shot with the poison it lowered his immune system and might have other potentially lethal side effects.

Let's see... hmm..

(Ok so I'm going to put down how the game affected the others, and what side effects their deaths caused. Only the one that have woken up tho. This is basically what's written on their psych and health evaluation.)

Patient: Rantaro Amami

Due to the way he died in game he suffered blunt force trauma to the head, luckily not lethal. He has also had the most time to heal psychologically due to being the first one to wake up from the simulation and not having to be in the game very long. Not to much lasting damage, does suffer from dizzy spells.

Patient: Kaede Akamtsu

Due to her gruesome death, she has scars around her neck and has trouble breathing. Making it harder for her to talk so she has had to learn sign language, is also undergoing speech therapy. So she can talk a little but it's easier for her to use sign language. Psychologically she still blames herself for letting the others down, mainly Rantaro and Shuichi.

Patient: Ryoma Hoshi

Also suffered Blunt force trauma to the head like Rantaro. Now has a fear of water and most fish, mainly those with their teeth showing. Is ok with drinking water and washing his hands, but refuses to ever go near a pool or large body of water again. It took a while to convince him to get near the shower or bath. He doesn't like the bath so he prefers to use the shower. Has faint scar-like teethmarks on his body. Psychologically, he doesn't really show much emotion, usually indifferent, but after further looking he's got some trauma to work out.

Patient: Kirumi Tojo

Has lot of scars on her body and a really big one on her back, due to her falling in her execution. She feels really bad that she killed Ryo but he forgave her. Psychologically, she feels guilt but also feels kinda free to not have to be ordered around, due to her ultimate talent. Which wasn't real, in a sense. She is glad to find out that those who had died or been executed are alive.

Patient: Angie Yonaga

When she woke up from the killing game she had a concussion and a bit of memory loss. She regained her in game memories though, along with a few other pre game ones. Due to also being stabbed in the neck she can't really turn her head but instead she turns her torso or upper body.

Physiologically she is mostly fine, she forgave Kiyo since it was technically an accident, although she is still traumatized seeing the others die grizzly deaths. "Praise Auta I and my Friends are alive. Their all my friends Atua says so!" She had said making this face, ^w^.

Patient:Tenko Chabashira

Also has problems turning her neck because she was killed similarly to Angie.

Angry that she was killed by a "degenerate male". But eventually forgave Kiyo, kinda anyway. She stoped saying "degenerate male" as much and is less hostile towards men. Still doesn't like most though. She has female doctors, but is okay with, tolerates, a few of the male ones.

Patient: Korekiyo Shinguji

Is scared of hot water, and is still very reluctant to take showers, they have to be cold or he won't get in. Suffers from severe social anxiety because not many people liked him plus he never actually meant to kill Angie. He also remembered something prior to the game. He won't open up about it and whatever it was made his state worse, most likely a traumatic event.

Patient: Miu Iruma

She died by asphyxiation in game. We almost lost her when she came out of the simulation, but managed to stabilize her. She can't talk anymore and has trouble breathing but is learning sign language from Kaede. Mentally she is ok but felt sorta betrayed by Gonta, to be fair though she tried to kill Kokichi. She also stoped cussing as much but still does sometimes, through ASL.

Patient: Gonta Gokuhara

Has a huge scar down the middle of his chest. Two feet long in a mostly straight-ish line. Still likes bugs but is weary of wasps, kinda frightened. Never really been a fan of fire but now he is strongly against it. He was relieved to find out the others where alive, wouldn't stop apologizing to Miu as she frantically mimed it was ok. Mentally scared because of killing Miu and being manipulated by Kokichi but slowly learning to cope with the Miu thing and forgiving Kokichi. Saying he must have had a reason. (He did. But still-)

Patient: Kokichi Oma

Didn't wake up until recently. He was crushed by a hydraulic press and poisoned in the simulation/killing game. Due to this he is temporarily paralyzed from the waist down. His hair turned white with a slight tint of light purple, due to....shock? Because of the poison his immune system was weakened and it may have other side affects. Mentally we don't know much yet because he woke up recently, but believed to possibly be depressed.

Patient: Kaito Momota

Because he died from an unknown Disease in game before Monokuma could kill him he suffered a few scars from the execution attempt and still has trouble breathing. I'm reality he has severe asthma, luckily nonlethal for now. Mentally fine after learning the others were safe. Saw Kokichi a little differently after he asked Kaito to kill him. Is really glad the killing game is over, with the help of "his sidekick" of course.

Patient: NOT FOUND

K1-B0, Kiibo. Health status is unknown. Currently missing.

Survivor: Shuichi Saihara

Alive and well. Recently unplugged from simulation. Resting.

Survivor: Maki Harukawa

Alive and well. Recently unplugged from simulation. Resting.

Survivor: Himiko Umeno (*MaGiC*)

Alive and well. Recently unplugged from simulation. Resting.

Wow. This-this is horrible, I can't believe they let another game happen after the last two. I hope these kids are okay.... or at least I hope they are eventually.

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