Where are they?!

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(New chapter brought to you by me not being able to sleep, then falling asleep a few minutes later.)

Shuichi's POV-

. . .

Nyghh... what happened? Oh right. Maki, Himiko, and I went through the opening in the barrier. The game is over, I think. If it's over then where am I. I tried to open my eyes. Key word 'tried'. I couldn't open them. Ugh, it hurts to try. And yet, I tried again. This time I was able to open my eyes.

Where am I? I seemed to be laying on a hospital bed. I looked around the room, it was mostly white in color except for the blue of the curtains and the moonlight shining through the window. Beside me to my left was a small side table with a lamp and emergency button. To my right was a heart monitor. Sitting up I saw a door, probably leading into one of the other rooms or the hallway.I appeared to be the only one in the room.

Wait.... . . . . . . .

Where are Maki and Himiko?!

(Hey there sorry for the short chapter. Also I might not be posting for a little bit because I'm planing another book. But I will be continuing this book.)

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