Dream? Or memory?

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Kokichi's POV-

I was walking down the halls of a- the school. (not Danganronpa) I was trying to get to class without- suddenly I was slammed against the lockers on the wall. "And where do you think your going?" Oh no- "p-please just let me go to class." I begged. I don't have time for this. But more importantly, I don't want to get hurt anymore.

"You think I'd let you go?! Pftt! Hahahah! Waste of space!" (Heh, space.) I whimpered screwing my eyes closed, expecting the pain that was sure to follow. I waited for the pain but it didn't come. Confused I opened my eyes. It was ———! "Ugh!" —— exclaimed. "Why are you protecting that worthless waste of space?!" "Because, he's my friend. And I won't sit idly by and watch you hurt him for fun!" ——— defended.

"Hah! And what makes you think you can stop us? Hmm? Well if you won't move I'll have to go through you!" —— said as they lunged at ———. No! . . . .


I woke up with a jolt, sitting straight up. W-what was that? Was... was that a memory? Or was it a dream? It felt so real. Who where the other people in the dream- er memory?

(OooOo~ was it it real and if so who where those people in the memory?)

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