Chapter 1- The Champion of the World

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5 years after Heart of a Champion

                     Sun POV

Here we go. After defeating Red and then Leon 6-5 each, I've finally made it back to the final, Alola was electric for my return those 2 matches. They helped put me over the top in some otherwise tough matches. That was all in the past now though. Me and Kalos's new Champion Calem were about to have our match to decide the world champion in Castellia City in Unova. My entrance music hit the speakers and the crowd roared. I jogged out to the field and began to high five all the spectators I could reach, I was grateful for them making the effort to come out. 360,000 people were packed in to Castellia Stadium for this highly anticipated match. I scanned the crowd for my wife. I spotted her sitting in the front row holding our son Elio. I moved over to her and began to speak, "Hey Lil! Is Elio having fun?" Elio was only 3 years old, but he was lively and a lot of fun. Lillie shrugged "I think so, do your best Sun!" I kissed her, "Will do." I shook hands with Calem and took my spot. Calem was like me, aggressive, take charge, but always thinking. I think he's really good, but beating me at my own game is a lot harder than you'd think.

"THAT IS IT! CHAMPION SUN IS YOUR WORLD CHAMPION ONCE AGAIN!" I jumped up and pumped my fist. 6-4, Ninetails went huge. Lillie and the rest of my Alolan family flooded the field along with a lot of Unovan fans. Lillie brought Elio over to me and I picked him up as I made my way to the microphone to speak. "Unova! Thanks for coming out! I want to once again thank my wonderful wife Lillie for helping take care of both me and my son Elio as we made this journey to repeat. I couldn't do any of this without her, so thank you Lil." She nodded, she was happy but I knew she was probably just wanting to go home at this point. I continued "That being said, thank you Calem for a great battle, and I can't wait to come back and defend my title in 5 years again!" I began to leave and then sharply turned back, "-Oh yeah I forgot, I gotta get a Castellia Cone before I leave, I think that's the only reason I was able to get Elio here heheh." The crowd cheered as me and my family left the stadium, Trophy in one hand, son in the other.

"These are really good, I can see why you wanted one so bad..." Lillie said thoughtfully as she held her Castellia Cone. I laughed "Yeah. Unova is a really cool place, I hope I can come back at some point." Elio sat next to me and began to messily eat his ice cream. I sighed, "Lillie to be honest I'm more excited to get back home than I was to lift the trophy." She smiled and nodded, "Me too, don't get me wrong I love watching you and everything but crowds tire me out." I nodded, "I know, I'm sorry about that, but really it just magnifies how nice we have it back in Alola." She leaned on my shoulder as the flight took off for our home.

We got back home and put Elio to bed before going to our room and snuggling up together. "You're right Sun, we do have it good here..." Lillie sighed as she laid down in bed. I rolled over to look at her, "Yeah, I know that you had things super rough when we first met, I hope this is where you always wanted to end up." She nodded "Yep, not necessarily with a nice house, just having a nice life with you is what I wanted since we met." I blushed, which I rarely ever did since we married, "Me-Me too, and honestly I felt the same, every day I wake up and I get to be with really is everything I've ever wanted." Lillie turned away and began to fall asleep, she said something to me before though, "You know, Elio is such a good kid too, honestly this is better than what I had dreamed of." I smiled and then drifted off to sleep.

The next day I flew out to Manalo Stadium and fixed the trophy to it's new place, it was put in a suite that I had reserved for my family or other champions, but it was visible from almost anywhere in the stadium. I received a call from Lillie which I promptly answered, "What's up Lil?" She sounded calm, "Nothing, just taking care of Elio right now, would you mind going to the store and getting some things before you come back?" "Yeah I can do that, I'll help you with Elio when I get back too, see you soon love." I hung up and then went to the local store to get some food. There I met Hau, "Hau! What are you doing here?" He turned to me and smiled widely, "Hey! So you're just gonna act like the World Championship thing didn't happen or what?" I shrugged, "I think anything besides winning would've been a disappointment, it's more of a weight off of my chest than anything." He nodded, "Yeah I get that. Sort of like me becoming the kahuna. Just sort of something I had to do." I nodded, "Yeah, alright then Hau, I'll catch you later, probably at your wedding in a couple weeks." He put his hands behind his head, "Hopefully a bit before that, but hey. Tell Lillie I said hi." "Will do Hau, see ya."

I returned to the house and began to put the groceries away. Just then Elio scuttled down the stairs and attached himself to my leg. I laughed and ruffled his blonde hair that he got from his mother. Lillie then came down as well and hugged me, "Welcome home Sun." I thanked her and then continue to put groceries away Lillie then took a deep breath and looked at me, I turned to look at her, usually when she did that she had something pretty important to say, "What's on your mind Lil?" She smiled and stood there sweetly before finally saying, "You know Elio is such a good kid, it's barely any work to take care of you think- maybe- you'd want to have another one?" I smiled and looked at her, "Yeah, I think that'd be a good thing. You're such a great mother, but I'll make sure to help you as much as I can." We hugged each other and then went to bed. Life is good.

                 Author's Note
Here it is! The promised sequel is finally here. I'm going to need you guys to trust me on this one though, I think this story starts out a little slow, but really gets going after Sun's eventual retirement as I mentioned in the prelude. So yeah, this story will be a lot of fluff for most of the time so if you're in to that you've come to the right place. Hope you guys enjoy.

Sun And Lillie Vs. The World (The Sequel to Heart of a Champion)Where stories live. Discover now