Chapter 11- Surprise, Surprise, The King Is Back

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No matter what I did I always found myself occupied, thinking about who to add as the 6th team member. I was thinking I could try to convince one of the old 3 but I'd rather not push it. For this I think I'll ask Lillie what to do, she might not be a super experienced trainer, but she's a great problem solver. I asked, "Lillie, how do you think I should go about getting a 6th?" She thought about it for a while before finally replying, "Go see if there were any eggs left at the daycare, sure catching one might be quicker, but training one from the beginning could get you another force like Raichu." "Alright then that's what I'll do. Thanks Lillie." She nodded. I flew to the daycare and asked if they had any eggs to spare. They did. They had one. I didn't know what it was but I accepted it. I carried my egg back home and placed it in the crib where Eevee had been.

                      1 Month Later
"Dad! The egg is hatching!" I bolted down the stairs at Stella's call and lo and behold it was true. The egg cracked and then revealed itself to be a little Snivy. "Huh how about that. Wonder how it got to Alola. Welcome to the team Snivy!" She looked around wildly before meeting my gaze and settling down. It had already decided to fall asleep. No matter. I've got all the time in the world. I scheduled my comeback battle to be 6 months from now against either Kahili or Tristan, whoever signed the contract first. By then, I think I can make this team something to watch for.

The months flew by, Tristan signed the contract. Snivy evolved in to a Servine, she was becoming a real force too, under my training program that she started under as soon as she was ready, she has learned my battling system and style and is mastering it to a tee. Incineroar seemed like he was back to about 80%, Raichu was in fine form, he was such a hard worker, my Dad really gave me a great partner in him. Whimsicott hadn't regained all it's old speed but it was getting there and was still dangerous. Garchomp was not invested still, but I think I can work with that for now. Eevee learned the basics from the ground up. He battles with all the tenacity and heart in the world, I think he'll be a great battler, plus he could evolve if he wanted to go even further. So that was the state of my team, now it was match day.

The day had finally come, the return of Sun against the young prospect Tristan. Manalo Stadium was packed to the brim at its new capacity of 50,000. I was in the locker room as usual with Lillie, Elio, and Stella sitting in the locker room with me. "Dad, I've never been to a match you were in before, make it a good one alright?" Stella said happily, I chuckled, "You bet, can't wait to show you all what I've been working on." Eevee was practicing with an excercise ball in the corner, Stella walked over to it and knelt, "...Hey buddy...I know this might be scary for you, but Dad's gonna take good care of you, stay calm and stay safe, ok?" It responded with a happy noise as she hugged it. I looked to Elio, "Elio, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be doing this. I hope you know I've been working my hardest, and I can't wait for you to see what I've come up with." He smiled, "I know. I think you'll do great." Lillie joined in as well, "I'm proud of you for taking on such a tough opponent to begin with... I know you can do it, you always have." We kissed and then my family left.

Tristan made his walk to the field and was stretching in his box when my song hit the speakers, "Return of the Mack"

got the crowd singing along and jumping to the beat as I made my first walk in almost 11 years. I missed this feeling. The fire for battle inside me never settled, and I was out to unleash it today. I ran over to hug Kukui, Burnet, and my Mom, who had all come to see me today, then headed down to my box. Time to face the music. Tristan had an Emolga, Magmortar, Alolan Exeggutor, Sharpedo, Tauros and lastly a Primarina. Tough matches if I don't play my cards right. "Let the battle....Begin!" "Emolga!" "Whimsicott!" The crowd roared as their favorite cotton ball once again took the field of battle. It worked well too, it loved the sand and it won over the Emolga. 1-0. Next was Tauros vs Garchomp, Garchomp half-heartedly demolished the Tauros, but took more damage than my liking. 2-0. Next I had Incineroar up against Primarina, as you can guess it didn't go too well. 2-1. Next I finally gave him a shot, Eevee went up against Sharpedo. I wouldn't usually like this, but Eevee is tough. Eevee took many bites and almost went down, but caught the sharpedo flush with a take down to put us up 3-1. I knew he could do it! After that I had Garchomp against Exeggutor, Garchomp could've done it but as usual he was lethargic. 3-2. Next I had Raichu beat the everloving daylights out of Tristan's Primarina. I love that electric mouse so much. 4-2. Next I had Servine against the Exeggutor. The Exeggutor managed to take her down, but not without eating it's fair share of shots. 4-3. Eevee was on his last legs so I sent out Whimsicott again this time to go against Magmortar. Bad situation. 4-4. I was down to Eevee and Raichu. Heheh. I had something up my sleeve though. My Z-crystal for this time was normal. Tristan's was fire. Magmortar vs Eevee at full force. The Z-moves combined and both were laying down, looking unconscious. but that Eevee got back up. He actually ate that after everything else and got up. 5-4. I let him take it easy and let Raichu finish the weakened exeggutor. 6-4. I'm back.

The crowd was absolutely electric. Noise filled the stadium with a combination of cheering and clapping as I raised my hands in victory once again. The microphone was mine. I figured I could steal a line and get away with it just this one. I grabbed the microphone, "Surprise, Surprise! The King is back!" I then dropped the microphone and walked back through the tunnel as the crowd roared like I had never heard in Manalo before. What is understood beyond that didn't have to be said.

                  Author's Note
Sun and the family's hard work paid off, now they just have to start battling other champions. Thanks for reading!

Sun And Lillie Vs. The World (The Sequel to Heart of a Champion)Where stories live. Discover now