Chapter 9- The Past and The Present

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I woke up to about a dozen missed calls from various news stations wanting me to talk about what had happened yesterday. I shrugged it off and figured I'd talk to either Alolan News or that guy from Hoenn that I like about it at some point. As I did on some mornings I made my way to the basement where I had my workout area. It was something I had built for myself and my team, it was equipped with a boxing ring, heavy bags, weights, exercise balls and the like, my team loved these things, especially Incineroar, who just loved that boxing ring. I put on some gloves and began to slam on the heavy bag. I wasn't angry or anything, I just liked doing it, Incineroar had come out and began to bounce around along the ropes of the boxing ring. Before I noticed I had been doing this for about half an hour, I was certainly tired, but I should probably just get a few more in. Just then Elio came out from his room and held the bag for me. "Mornin' Dad" "Hey Elio- Thanks."  "Dad I've been thinking about something and I figured I should tell you before I think better of it" I stopped punching and looked at him "Oh yeah? what's that?" Elio leaned himself against the bag, "I really think you should unretire and go for it. I think Alola needs you, I think the World needs you, and I think Lei needs you too." I was very taken aback by how direct he was about it. "Elio, I know you saw me at my peak, but I'm not the same guy I was then mentally or athletically, I'm slow and to be honest I'm not in great shape. I'd love to come out and retire but-" I took in a deep breath "- I don't- I just- I think he'd beat me." Elio looked disheartened by that. "Dad... you know what Mom always says to you when you doubt yourself like that. You can't be doing that, you told me not too long ago too, most of everything you do is mental. It's not like you to be like this." Even Incineroar was just standing still and staring at Elio at this point. He was my son that's for sure. "Elio you're right about all that. But there is a few issues if I were to do this. One, Most of the team is much happier retired, I mean you know Ninetails better than I do maybe, and you know how happy he is just living in the house with us, Lycanroc too. I don't know if they'd want to go out and do that again. I know they still love and respect me, but forcing them to do something they wouldn't want to would just be bad training. Secondly, to compete in the tournament I'd have to take Lei's title, I don't want to do that, he deserves it." Elio shook his head "That first one might be true but about Lei...he already told me that if you somehow decided to come back he'd want to battle you for real. I know we all trained together and had practice battles and what not. Knowing Lei though he wants to prove himself against you. I don't think he'd feel any worse if you were to beat him." I paused to think, if Lei really does feel that way...maybe this could happen. Maybe. "Elio, you're the best. I'll consider it, but only because you asked me." He laughed and walked away. Just then I received a call from my good friend in Hoenn May, "May! What's going on?" She sounded aggravated about something. "Nothing much I'm just calling to ask you something." I knew she was always busy, being the Champion and a contest idol wasn't easy. "Go ahead." I confirmed as she continued "...Are you going to come back to shut that arrogant kid up!?" I reeled from that one, May had always been patient and pleasant any time Lillie or I had talked to her before, Silver must be getting under everyone's skin... "I don't know yet May and that's the truth. If I knew myself I'd tell you, but I don't. There's a lot for me to consider...good match yesterday by the way, you were so close!" She sighed, "I know I was, I asked Serena after the match to please beat Silver, but I don't think she can...I don't know if anyone can...but Sun, you've pulled some things off that were thought to be impossible since I was in my teens, I think if anyone could do it it'd be you. I don't mind losing a tournament next time as long as you clear that cheating rat out of our sport." I quickly replied, "May I know you're super busy, but if you have time, might I ask why you feel so strongly about this." What followed was a long rant, "WELL, first off the things he said about you were completely disrespectful and tasteless, underhanded.... you get the point. And I think that'd be enough, but after I lost yesterday he saw me in the locker room, and that BOZO had the audacity to sneer at me and say I was an inferior trainer." Lillie had come down the stairs at this point, May wasn't on speaker phone or anything but she was practically screaming. Lillie had heard pretty much everything and sat down next to me to talk to May, "May that's awful!" she began, "...I can't believe he'd say that to you! I hope somebody humbles him, hopefully Serena." May sighed, "I don't think she can Lillie. I think if you stay behind Sun the way you always have and help him, I think that might be the only way we come close to that guy...anyway I'm so sorry to cut you guys off so soon, but I've gotta catch my flight to the contest in Sinnoh. Sun. Lillie. We need you both. Consider what I've said." She hung up on that note.

I sat on the edge of the boxing ring next to Lillie. "Lillie I-" She stared me dead in the eyes. "Don't. You need to do something. Like May said, the entire sports world is counting on you to rise to the occasion. I'll be behind you every step of the way...." She extended her fist for a fist bump "...let's do this. Together." I chuckled and accepted the fist bump, "Together." Stella walked out of her room at that time and looked at us, "Dad? Are you..." I nodded, "Yes, I'm back in competition. That means it's time to set up a match and assemble my team."

                       Author's Note
The comeback is in motion! Its really fun to write the whole family now that they're older, having more characters to work with is pretty fun. Thanks again!

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