More Updates and More Thank Yous

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Honestly I know I sound like a broken record now, but it is seriously staggering to me how much support you guys have given to my passion project. I mean, the two combined stories have almost a thousand reads. That's honestly a number I never imagined even getting close to, heck much less that the first chapter of Heart of a Champion has 100 reads by itself. Heart of a Champion and Sun and Lillie vs the World have combined to top charts like Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, SunxLillie, Shiningsunshipping, and I could still be missing a few, all thanks to you guys!

Ah yes, I did promise some updates didn't I? Well, I don't have anything new out Officially yet. That's sort of why I decided to bother your notifications inbox about this. I actually wrote 3 (Yeah. Three. I have no life ok.) extra stories within the Heart of a Champion universe.

The first one is a retelling of the events of Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon as I saw it happening within this kind of universe. If you were really quick, you probably caught that I released it for like 2 hours earlier this year. I unpublished it though after deciding that I didn't quite change enough about the actual story to make it new, and I also think it detracts from the value of Heart of a Champion. I say this because everyone experienced Sun and Moon differently, and I don't want to dictate necessarily how every micro thing happened in it for you, I think it's more fun if you have that context in your own head. That's just me though, I could be horribly wrong about that.

The second one I wrote was the aforementioned Elio story that I briefly thought about while roasting myself for making too many of these. To prove myself wrong I wrote about 15 chapters of that. The story is mostly about an all grown up Elio and how he deals with his dad's fame and some other things in his life that pop up rather suddenly. I add a lot of other characters from this book that I wanted to give some more time in the spotlight, such as May, Stella, and Rosa. So yeah that's also in the back room.

The third one is probably my favorite of the three. It is about the events immediately following S/M/US/UM. It focuses a lot on Sun overcoming the deep sadness he feels after Lillie leaves Alola, and how he learns to love battling again. It also focuses on how Lillie ends up where she does in Kanto, and how she battles her regrets about the situation and what not. Then the second half of the book is all about the events between Heart of a Champion and Sun and Lillie Vs the World. It has stuff like their wedding, the tournament matches in Alola, And a lot of other fun things like that. It's about 19 chapters long in it's entirety.

If any of you have any interest in those then please do let me know and I'll release it. The reason I don't just release them anyway is because I just feel like it would devalue the 2 current releases. I know that might sound dumb, but seriously, I feel like the more books there are in the series, the less important each one is by itself. That being said though, if there is genuine interest in these I'll certainly put them out. (Might just release the 3rd one anyway, it's most just fluff but I like the depth it adds to characters and what not).

Also figured I'd mention, if you happen to have reread any of my published stories, you may have noticed a few subtle differences in dialogue or description of a setting. Well I rather silently go through sometimes and make some improvements if  the ideas come to my head, so maybe you'll have a little different experience if you ever do go back and reread them.

So yeah! That's all I got for you guys other than another sincere thank you! I mean I know I say it every 5 seconds, but it really does mean a lot to me. I suppose I've ran out of ways to thank you all though, so I'll leave it at that. Appreciate you all!

3rd book is out! From the Ground Up is the one story I mentioned. I hope you guys want to check it out, I swear maybe one day I'll stop releasing these.

#1 Rankings (IT GOT ONE WOOOOO)

#1- PokemonUltraSunandUltraMoon

Sun And Lillie Vs. The World (The Sequel to Heart of a Champion)Where stories live. Discover now