Chapter VI

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Some days, Briella felt somewhat happy. But other days, not the same could be said.

It was also on those days that she hated the way she felt. She hated what she felt. She wanted to forget about him already.

She tried to forget him... but the more she tried, the stronger the pain kicked back.

This inner turmoil of hers would have continued until she was the first one to give. She was always the first to give up. She let it be.

Today was that day. Today, she felt like all of her hope has been thrown out into a huge body of water, an ocean. She felt like all of her hope sunk, sunk like a rock... deeper and deeper until it reached the seabed.

And today, it just so happened that both Nadia and Liam remembered to bring in their money.

They both asked Briella. Hoping that them three would take off all together down to their favourite shop, Briella's respectful decline had only Liam and Nadia go downtown to get food.

Briella stayed seated on the bench, a page and a pencil in front of her. She tapped her fingers on the blank page, making up some random beat to help her creative juices flow.

But she sighed with disappointment when nothing came to mind.

It was only recently that her bubble of ideas began shrinking.

Eventually, whenever she tried to search for new ideas, the ideas she already had down on paper simply wouldn't leave her mind.

"Is this what a writers' block really feels like?" She asked herself.

She gave herself one more shot.

Now, taking her pencil into her hand, she tapped it and pressed it against her lower lip. She tried to think of anything, anything at all...

Another sigh of disappointment marked the end of her train of thoughts.

She felt some sort of anger boil in her. She wanted to write something but didn't know what.

A few moments pass when she decided that it was enough for now.

Folding the page back up, she packed it back into her pocket.

And with that, she rested her head down on her forearms, on the table.

'Maybe I'm pushing myself a bit too much...' Her thoughts spoke. From there, she let her eyelids slowly close until a meeting point was reached. She took in a deep breath before letting it all back out.

'I just have to be patient. Things might not come to my mind in this exact hour, they might not even come to my mind by the end of school. Tonight? Maybe not tonight either. But one day... one day, something as small as a spark will cause an explosion... and until that day comes, I need to be patient.'.

"Why are you here all by yourself?". A familiar voice interrupted Briella's thoughts, frightening her ever so slightly in the process. She opened her eyes wide before turning her attention to the speaker.

She got pleasantly surprised when she saw it was Ryan.

"By the way, do you mind if I take a seat here for a bit?" he ushered.

"Oh of course, I don't mind at all. Please, sit.".

And he did just as he was told. From there, silence filled the air between both Ryan and Briella.

"So... where are Nadia and Liam?" Ryan broke the silence.

Taking in a deep breath, it seemed as if she was to begin a long speech. But, from that big, deep inhale, the only word that came out was, "downtown...".

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