Chapter XXXII

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Just like Ryan said, he took Briella out to the new restaurant. Upon their entrance, they were greeted by a waiter.

He was a tall, slender fella. He didn't look any older than 25. He had clear skin and a cleanly shaven face. It was very obvious that he took daily care of his face.

Showing them to their table, he gave both Ryan and Briella a menu each.

"If you need anything more, please don't hesitate to call us. And before I go, do you have anything in mind yet for what you two would like to drink?".

Both Briella and Ryan looked at each other before they both looked at the tall waiter.

"Would it be okay if we were given a bit more time?" Ryan asked.

"Yes, of course. That is no problem at all!". A pause. "Don't hesitate to give me, or any other staff member a shout when you are ready to order!". With that, he walked away.

Not too long passed before they both chose what food they would like to eat and what drinks they'd like to consume.

With the holler of a waiter, they ordered their meals and drinks and not too long passed before they received their desired orders.

Over a light chat and laughter, they both ate their food and drank their drinks.

And just like that, within a click of a finger, their date flew by.

Only when Ryan checked the time did he realise how late it was. He took her out at 4 PM and now it just ticked past 8:15 PM.

"Oh wow!" he exclaimed.

Briella didn't need to ask him why he had such a reaction. She saw him looking down at his watch.

So, instead, she asked him, "I-is everything okay? What's the time?".

"Fifteen minutes past eight.".

"Already!?" Briella replied, widening her eyes.

And within the minutes that followed, Ryan requested the bill.

With a minor argument, in the end, Ryan agreed to split the bill. He paid for Briella's meal as she paid for his.

"How was it?" he asked as they headed out the door.

"Just like every other time I was out with you, it was truly amazing.". A pause. They both stopped a few meters away from the main door. Briella looked into Ryan's eyes as he looked into hers. "Thank you. Thank you so much for taking me out, Ryan.".

He couldn't help but let a small smile grow on his lips as a result of her words. "You are most welcome. For a girl like you, I'd happily fly to the moon and back.".

Instantly, Briella's cheeks reddened. But then she chuckled ever so slightly.

"You'd do that? For a girl like me?".

Ryan froze in his place, looking into Briella's eyes, acknowledging the wicked expression across her face. "What's that look for?".

It was his words that caused Briella to let out another string of laughter. "It's nothing. I was just surprised that you would do something so dangerously useless for a girl like me.".

"Use- what do you mean useless??? Going to the moon will be awesome!" Ryan replied.

"I agree..." Briella began. "But what would you do there? You'd be all alone...".

"W-well..." Ryan began. "It's not like I'd go to the moon...".

"Oh, I know... like, I know what you meant.". A pause. "And it means a lot to me. Your words meant a lot to me. You know, you always know the right things to say, but I am not surprised, you are a writer after all.".

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