Chapter XXXIV

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The ringing of the doorbell shook both Briella and Ryan awake. Only after they awakened, do they realise they fell asleep on one another.

They both stood up onto their feet before they made their way to the door, with Briella stopping and giving Ryan way only meters away from the door.

Ryan unlocked and opened the door, revealing Nadia and Liam.

They all greeted each other before Ryan invited Nadia and Liam inside.

"When are we meant to leave for the airport?" Liam asked.

"Wait, are you going somewhere too?" Briella inquired.

Liam shook his head. "No, Ryan asked me to drop him off. Are you tagging along too, Briella?".

Nadia rose an eyebrow at Liam.

Disregarding such a reaction, Briella responded with a "Yes. Yes I am.".

Then, a moment of silence descends between them all.

"My... my flight is meant to board at about 3:30. So, we can begin our way to the airport in about 20-ish minutes," Ryan broke the silence.

"In 20? Are you sure we will get to the airport on time?" Nadia questioned.

Ryan responded to her inquiry by looking at her. "Well, it will take us about... 30 minutes to get to the airport.".

"If the traffic is good," Nadia added.

"I mean... it is... what?... Monday? Tuesday?" Liam voiced. "So we should be good. Either way, it's not that common for the traffic to get all that bad.".

Then, Nadia came in, "And by the way, Liam... it's Sunday, the Lord's day!".


"Do you have all your things ready, Ryan?" Nadia asked, turning her attention from Liam.

Ryan simply nodded, "Yeah.". Then he took a deep breath. "Are you sure you guys don't want anything to drink?".

"We are sure..." both Nadia and Liam replied concurrently.

He looked at Briella to which she shook her head as if she knew what his question was before he even got the chance to ask.

And with that, the room returned to being quiet.


"Alright. It's time..." Liam voiced as he looked at his wristwatch.

Briella looked at Liam before steering her gaze to Ryan. She noticed that he wasn't as optimistic as he usually would have been.

But it was obvious why. He was leaving, leaving his friends, leaving Briella.

With that, Liam took one piece of luggage while Ryan carried the rest. They stowed everything onto Ryan's car before they all got seated.

Both Liam and Ryan were in the front. Liam on the driver's seat, while Ryan was in the passenger seat right beside him.

Both Nadia and Briella were seated in the back.

"Alright, are we ready?" Liam asked.

"Yes.". Getting the reply he was looking for, he powered up the engine and with the push of the pedal and release of the parking brake, the car went off.

They exited onto the main road before navigating the exit out of the city.

"This is your car, right, Ryan?" Nadia asked.

"Yes, yes it is.".

"So, where will the car be when you go?" Nadia stated another question.

"Well..." Ryan began. "I might as well leave it with someone I trust, with someone I know the car will be in safe hands.". He steered his gaze towards Liam.

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