Chapter XXIII

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After their small New Year's Eve gathering, a few weeks passed.

Briella's School was back up and running, and it took everyone a few days until they got back into the swing of things.

And with that reverting back to normal, so did Ryan's and Briella's hang out. This time, their meeting took place at Briella's place.

It was a little bit past 5, on a cold, cloudless Friday afternoon when a knock was heard on her door.

She rushed over to the door, knowing who was behind it before she even opened the door.

With the unlocking of the door and the push of the doorknob...

"Hey," Ryan greeted her.

"Hey. Welcome in," she replied before she moved to the side, allowing Ryan inside.

He briefly bent down and took off his shoes.

"Alright, where do we go?" he asked.

"Here, follow me. I don't have much space, so I hope the living room will make due!".

"Oh, anywhere at all, I don't mind," Ryan responded.

With that, both Ryan and Briella sat by the table. From his bag, Ryan extracted a bunch of pages and a pencil or two, with an addition of a rubber.

Briella reached down for one of the chests on her coffee table, before pulling out her pages, a pencil or two with her rubber.

"Do you need me to draw anything specific?" Briella asked.

At first, Ryan looked at her, lost in his thoughts. "Give me a moment. I do have an idea, but I want to develop it that bit further. I hope you don't mind if I say that I have nothing in plan for you to draw.".

"No, that's perfectly fine. Take your time. I have something of my own to do anyways," she replied.

Looking down at her page, she thought to herself, 'I-I really want to write another song.'.

Pressing the back of her pan against her bottom lip, she thought about the theme of the song. 'What should this song be about?'. She tried to think of different ideas, but the only thing that circled her mind was - once again - heartbreak.

'Heartbreak? Should I write another song about heartbreak?' Briella thought to herself, but soon enough she brushed her thoughts off and began scribbling words and ideas.

At one point, the movement of Briella's hand caught Ryan's eye. He saw here writing words upon words. Some in word clouds, while others outside.

"What are you doing?" Ryan proceeded to ask, curious.

Pausing for a brief moment, Briella's eyes rose up to him. Their gazes meet.

"I am planning out another song, I guess.".

Ryan smiled at her words. "So that's how you plan out a song?". A brief pause. The smile on Ryan's face receded. "I feel really honoured to witness something as rare as that.".

His words now caused Briella to let a smirk grow on her lips. "Honoured? I'd understand if I was to be some world-class renowned songwriter, but I am a crappy writer.".

"Ah, don't say that. From what I read, your writing holds emotion. That's what matters the most, or at least to me it is. That's the easiest way to get to the readers, the listeners, whoever it is, it's the easiest way to get to their hearts. To leave an impact on them," he replied.

As a reply, Briella nodded to his words. She agreed with him.

"What's the song going to be about anyway?" Ryan inquired.

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