Chapter XXVI

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The next morning came around.

The time just ticked past 11:00 AM when a loud knock and the ringing of the doorbell woke Briella up.

She opened her eyes before sitting up. Taking her phone into her hands, she checked how late it was.

"11..." she muttered under her breath. "Damn, I slept in quite a bit...".

Then, looking up, she yelled in her croaky, morning voice, "coming!".

With a stretch, she stood up, slipped on her slippers and made her way towards the door. Whilst walking, she wondered who it could be at the door this early.

'Nadia?... No...'.

She unlocked the door and opened it up, which revealed Ryan, standing by the doorframe, just like he did last night.

She furrowed her brows, wondering what was the occasion for his visit. "Ryan?? What are you doing here? And this early??".

"Good morning to you too," he responded, a teasing smile stretched across his lips. "I am here for the redemption of our relationship.".

From there, they both looked at each other.

"May I come in?" he asked.

"Y-you may. Come in," she replied, allowing him to enter her apartment.

"Thank you!". A short pause. He took off his shoes and put them neatly by the door, then he looked back towards Briella.

She noticed him raising an eyebrow. "You look like a total bed-mess, you know that?" Ryan voiced.

His words caused Briella to maintain her eye contact with Ryan. Now, she was the one who rose her brow. "Here you go a medal, Shearlock... I just woke up.". Then, she took in a deep breath. "While on that, excuse me while I go and get myself freshened up.".

Briella began to walk away from Ryan and towards her bathroom when his voice suddenly made her freeze. "Right. Don't worry, take your time, okay?".

She turned around and faced him, giving him a brief nod before continuing from where she stopped.

Upon her entry into the bathroom, she closed and locked the door before beginning her morning routine. It was these things that got her ready for the day that was to follow.

She finished her business and was about to brush her teeth when she heard cluttering and clattering from the kitchen. She furrowed her brows to the sound.

She unlocked the door and peered out just to see Ryan by the stove with a pan in his hand.

"Ryan?... What are you doing?".

Once more, they both looked at each other, gazed into each other's eyes.

"Didn't you say you just woke up?" Ryan asked.

"I did...".

"So, I wanted to make you some breakfast while you were getting yourself ready," he replied.

Briella widened her eyes to his words. "Oh, no, please. You don't have to do that, I-". He interrupted her.

"I said that I wanted do, not that I had to..." he responded.

From there, once again, they both gazed into each other's eyes for about a second or two, before the clearance of Briella's throat caused them both to break their eye contact.

"R-right..." she began. "Thank you...".

He replied with a smile. "You are most welcome. Also, I do owe you for taking care of me over Christmas. So what other way to show you my gratitude than to cook for you!".

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