Chapter XIII

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The time ticked one minute past ten to two. 1:51 PM.

Briella was asleep on her sofa.

Suddenly, someone barged into Briella's flat. "Briella!?!? Are you okay???".

"AGHHHH?!? WHAT??? WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED? WHO IS THAT??". Briella felt as if her soul left her body for a mere second. That was the magnitude of her fright.

She looked up at the person who has just entered her home. Nadia.

"Nadia!!! You scared the living-".

"I know, I know, I'm sorry! But why didn't you tell me this morning that you are feeling unwell??? I would have stayed here with you!".

"That's exactly why I didn't tell you that I was ill this morning," Briella replied, wiping her left eye. "You would have missed out on school.".

"But still!! You think that school is more important than friendship?" Nadia interrogates.

"Most of the times that's the case, yes.".

Nadia lets out a sigh. "Okay, fine, maybe you are right. But it doesn't ring right with me that I had to hear from Ryan about you feeling unwell...". Suddenly, Nadia stopped. "Speaking of...". A devilish smile took its place on her lips. "Did something happen between the two of you?".


Just then, a knock interrupted their conversation. Both Briella and Nadia look at the door. Ryan. "The door was wide open by the way...". With that, upon his entrance, he closes the door behind him.

Walking closer to Briella, that is when she noticed another bag in his hand. "Thanks to Nadia, I now bought you something that I know you'll like. She said it's your personal favourite.".

'So that's why you asked me what Briella likes... Ryan, you sneaky-'.

"Are you better now? You took your medicine, right?" Ryan asks.

"M-medicine? What medicine??? Briella? Is there something you are not telling me?!?" Nadia exclaimed.

"What??? No! It's my medication that Ryan bought me this morning for my illness.".

"R-Ryan bought you medication??? Okay, now it really doesn't ring well with me... You tell Ryan everything and simply forget me?... Am-am I getting switched? I-Is Ryan going to be your new best friend???" Nadia furthermore interrogated.

"What!?! Nadia? What are you talking about? Nobody here is getting switched for anything. You will always and, literally, forever be my best friend. Do you understand that?" Briella replied.

"Also, it wasn't like Briella invited me over to her house. If anything, I came by my own free will," Ryan joined in.

Nadia looks at them both as her face becomes slightly pale. 'Okay... I feel like this now reflects more so on me than on Briella. I should have dropped her a text this morning, but I didn't know...'. A deep inhale. "I am sorry, Briella!! I am a horrible friend! I should have texted you a good morning message or something like that! I feel so bad, please forgive me!!". Nadia immediately wrapped her arms around Briella.

"N-Nadia!! Be careful! I am sick, I don't want you to get sick too!...".

While this all was going on, Ryan kept his eyes on them both. He couldn't help but let a small smile grow on his lips.

Seconds pass before Nadia unravelled from her hug from Briella. "Anyways, if you don't mind, I need to use the restroom really quickly..." Nadia said and with that, she went off to do just that, leaving Ryan and Briella alone in the living room.

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