Chapter XXII

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Briella was at Ryan's again today.

"Hey... Briella?" Ryan began.

"Yes, Ryan?".

"I want to go for a walk, wanna go with me?".

"Right now? No, you were sick. You had a high fever," she replied.

"But, I feel better now, much better than yesterday. Besides, fresh air will do me no harm.".

He was right, Briella knew that fresh air might as well help him recover that bit faster. On top of that, she felt bad for him but also the fact that Ryan was older than her made her feel like - despite her already giving him her opinion - she wouldn't be able to change his mind.

"You do realise it's freezing outside, right?" Briella inquired.

"Yes, I do.".

"Alright then. We will go for a short walk. But let me get this clear..." she started. "I don't want to see you with no less than at least three to four layers on you, with a thick coat, a big scarf to protect your neck and a hat on your head. Understood?".

They made a quick circle around the neighbourhood as the snow scattered made its way and landed around them both.

When they both came back, Briella noticed Ryan's pained facial expression. "Ryan are you okay?".

He just nodded. "I'm fine.".

But despite his words, Briella wasn't convinced, she felt that something was off. So she reached out and felt his head. She gasped. "Your fever is back...".


"What did I tell you!?" her shout broke the silence.


Over the next three days, Ryan's sickness practically disappeared, he recovered from his illness. It also just so happened to be New Year's Eve, so he was all around his place, cleaning everything up for the New Year.

Sometime later, Briella joined him. She helped him clean up what had to be cleaned before they both cooked some goodies for the New Year's celebration.

"So, how are you feeling now?" Briella asked.

"That's definitely not you asking how I am for the tenth time now," he replied, laughing ever so slightly.

"Well, I am just worried. You were pretty sick," she responded, continuing to stir the contents in the saucepan.

The smile on Ryan's face faded away ever so slightly. "I feel like I'm a brand new person.".

Briella let out a gentle smile when she heard his words. "I am glad to hear so...".


Hours passed, it was getting close to eight in the evening, the sun has set. Its glow illuminated the sky and its broken clouds.

That night, it wasn't meant to snow. Which made it a perfect night to spectate the fireworks that would have occurred some time later.

Ryan turned on the TV, and as per tradition, the main channel had a night filled with music planned out all the way to the countdown. He turned the volume up, allowing the sound to ricochet throughout the living room and the kitchen.

They both sang along to the songs and laughed together while continuing to prepare for tonight.

They placed the prepared food on the main table that was shared between the kitchen and the living room.

Briella placed her hands on her hips, examining the overall layout of the table. Everything seemed to be in the right place.

Then, her gaze rose to Ryan. As if he could read her thoughts, he looked back down at her, their gazes connected at the same time.

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