Chapter XVI

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'This is my time to show everyone what I feel... how I feel...' Briella thought to herself. 'I want to others to feel what I do, even if what I show is a fraction of what I actually feel. It's still something...'.

She swallowed whatever was in her mouth before looking out towards the vast crowd. The cheer echoed throughout the big room.

The way that the crowd moved, it reminded her of the sea. Ocean.

For some reason, the thought of the ocean made her feel some sort of relief.

The cheer continued right until Briella began speaking.

A deep breath. "U-ummm...". The crowd quietened down. "M-my name is Briella, as announced...". A swallow. "And tonight, I will be playing an original...". Before she got a full hold of her words, she spat out, "And I dedicate this song to my ex...". Looking over her words, her eyes widened. But she continued. "T-to the guy that broke my heart... over the phone...". A second of silence. "The song is called 'Just Go'...".

One or two 'woops' echoed throughout the hall.

With that, Briella took in another deep breath, swallowed whatever was in her mouth and allowed her fingers to rest on the piano tiles.

She closed her eyes. 'I hope this reaches you...'. Opening her eyes back up, she began playing.

The intro was played for a few seconds right before...

"These days without you have been a mess,

I cannot sleep at night.

The thoughts of you swirl around and around in my head.

Hoping for there to be some sort of a remedy,

Only to find that all this hope has led me back to you.".

'We will have another moment just like this...'. His words plucked at her heartstrings. 'Are you sure about that?' She asked back.

"Just go away,

Go and leave me alone.

Just go away,

Go and let me be free.

Just go away,

Go, because I no longer want you.

Just go away,

Go, because I no longer love you.".

'I don't hate you, I can never hate you... even after what you did to me, it's not in my nature to hate. But I want to get over you... to forget you...' she added to her train of thoughts. 'I no longer love you...'.

"Just leave me, and go away,

You too know it'll never be the same.

The sadness, the misery.

You had some promises you didn't keep.".

"And just like that,

You go away.

You replaced me with someone else.

While I'm here,

Trying to get over you,

Trying to forget all the things we've been through.".

"Just go away.".

'It wasn't supposed to end this way, right? We weren't supposed to end like this... were we?'. Silence. 'Who am I kidding?... it's too late for me to have these sorts of thoughts... you are gone. You are gone forever and there is nothing I can do about it.'.

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