chapter 8

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The table gently shakes, causing the cutlery to fall onto the table. Everyone is too busy worrying about the cutlery, whilst I'm too busy worrying what Harry's next move will be. I finally decide I'm sick of his shit. "Harry, can i talk to you in the kitchen please" I asked, pretending to be polite and innocent just in case my family was watching. "Nah just tell me here" I said, grinning slightly. Asshole. "No Harry, kitchen now" I demanded, but still keep a smile plastered on my face. He sighed and stood up from his chair, following me into the kitchen. As soon as we were in the kitchen, I exploded. "What are you doing Harry" I whisper- yell so no one would over hear our conversation. "I asked me to come into the kitchen" he replied, thinking that he was some fucking comedian. "No, I mean with the leg touching and the winking and the 'baby' and the 'princess' like seriously less than an hour ago we hated each other and now you're caressing my leg and calling me baby. Is this some kind of joke" I spat at him. "Lexi, 2 things" Harry spoke. "Number one, you are extremely cute when you are angry". What the fuck. "Number 2, I have never ever hated you. Your hot"."Harry, you tease me non stop, you throw paper at me and you broke my phone today and you have the guts to say you think I'm hot". I was so confused right now. He always annoys me and pissed me off but yet he thinks he loves me. WOW. "I don't tease you, I play around with you. And you know I didn't mean to brake your phone. You were the dickhead who pushed me" Harry spat. "Seriously, I pushed you because you were being an asshole and were embarrassing me in front of the class" I spat right back at him. "It was very entertaining" he said, leaning against the island bench whilst I had my back to the sink. "It wasn't for me" I spoke, my voice all cold and quiet. "Well, sorry for breaking your phone". Did Harry Styles just apologise to me?!?. I looked up at him, his green eyes piercing into me. "Lexi, I really like you" Harry spoke, his voice was almost a whisper. He started to walk towards me. Every step he took towards me, I took one back until I was stuck up against a wall. Before I could make a runner, he put his arm up against the wall, so I couldn't run. Again, our lips inches apart from each other and I could feel his breath against my lips. Here we are again, Harry towering over me whilst I am trapped under his little spell. He drops his head down, dangerously close to my lips. His hands found my waist again and pulled me in a little tighter. "If you want me to stop" he whispered into my ear ."Just tell me to". I didn't know what happened next, but there was heat running through my body and veins and my mouth became dry and my legs were getting weak and all I needed him to do was kiss me. "Harry" I whispered back and up into his eyes. "Don't stop".

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