chapter 4

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The Styles family were coming around at 8:00pm and here I was laying on my bed, pretending that Harry Styles wasn't going to be in my house in about half an hour. I checked my phone again. 7:40pm. I let out a loud, frustrated groan. "Lexi, I need you to dress Aria for me" my mother walked into my room, holding Aria in her arms. WOW, my mother looked amazing. She was wearing a black body con dress that tightly hangs above her knees and shows off her perfect curves. Her shoes were black strap on heels and her hair was up in a perfect bun. She reminded me on Aubrey Hepburn. My mother was stunning and I hated her for that. "Lexi, why aren't you ready. The Styles family are one their way. Why aren't you wearing that beautiful dress I brought for you today. You know the black one with the black heels. C'mon Lexi, get ready" my mother commanded as I flopped back down on my bed groaning. "hey, you okay kid" I rolled over to see my 18 year old sister, Riley sitting at the edge of my bed. Riley isn't just a sister to me, she is one of my best friends. We get along so well. She helps me out with everything because she is a year older than me, she did everything first like assignments and tests at school. I told her all my secrets and she told me hers. And when I got my period for the first time I went to her before my mother. She gets me and we never fight. She is the only person I told, in my family, that I hate Harry. But she thinks we like each other like WTF. "No, I'm not okay" I huffed. "Is it because Harry is coming around" she asked. Seriously, she can full on read my mind. "Bingo" I mumbled. "Oh c'mon, you have to dress up, Harry Styles is coming over OMG OMG" Riley mocked. I couldn't help but laugh. "Why do you think I like Harry" I asked her, sitting up. "Oh please, we all know you to secretly love each other. The way you to look at each other and the way you to secretly check each other out and the way you to 'pretend' to get along" Riley explained. "We do pretend to get along, for our families sake" I told explained to Riley, but she just smirked. "Whatever, anyways you need to get dressed into the dress mum brought you" Riley said, walking into my walk-in robe to fetch the black dress mum purchased for me (Lexi's outfit is up in the photo thingy for this chapter :-)))). She came out with the dress in one hand and the shoes in the other. "Let's get you ready".

"Okay, are you ready to see my finished masterpiece" Riley explained as she made me stand in front of my hidden full length mirror. She put a sheet over the top of it so I couldn't see myself. "if I must" I shrugged and she glared at me "BE HAPPY, REMEMBER YOU'RE HOT" she yelled at me, making me fall into a fit of giggles. "No but seriously, you ready" she asked me again, in a more serious tone. "Yes yes, now show me" I demanded. "3...2...1!!!". After 1, Riley yanked the sheet off the mirror and revealed my appearance. OMG!!!! I looked....incredible. I was so shocked, but definitely impressed. "Riley, you're amazing" I said, examining myself. Riley just smiled. My long brown hair was curled and my bangs were brought back to the back of my head. My makeup was so natural , but elegant. My black dress tightly hugged my body, making everything looked better. My boobs, my butt, my legs. It was so awesome. "Okay well I guess I will see you downstairs then" Riley said exiting my room, the sound of her heels against the tiled staircase faded as she vanished downstairs. I heard a car pull into the driveway. "Shit" I yelled as I looked at my clock. 8:00pm. Welcome to hell.

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