chapter 29

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This is it. The last seconds of my high school experience. All us seniors piled out into the corridors to do the traditional countdown.
I looked around at my surroundings. Bella was right beside me, our hands intertwine, giving each other excited squeezes here and there. I looked around for Harry but I couldn't see him anywhere.
I take a second to revise this year. It has been so full on. Parents divorced, Brand new car, Got excepted into my dream college, Made new friends and lost others, Graduated high school but over all, I never imagined that this year would be the year that Harry and I became.....friends??? But he doesn't feel like a friend. He feels like more.
Even though Harry and I have had our differences over the past 11 years, he feels so special to me. I mean he did save my life, but why?
He could have left me. He could have just ignored my screams. He could have just blocked me out like he usually did, but he didn't. Instead he saved me, drove me to a hospital at midnight and sat there and waited for 11 hours straight for me. And after that, I felt a connection, almost instant. I see him and my tummy explodes with butterflies. I stutter when I'm talking to him and stare when I'm not. I can't believe I'm gonna say this but. I'm in love with Harry Styles.

Sorry for the short chapter, I was gonna continue but I wanted to leave you guys hanging hehehe luv u all xxx

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