chapter 10

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'BEEP BEEP BEEP'. The 'wonderful' sound of my alarm going off, awakening me from my peaceful sleep. Ugh. I smack the 'snooze' button hard, making sure that my clock got the hint that I didn't want to get out of bed. But I felt something different this morning. I felt like I needed to actually get out of bed, like I didn't have time to sleep in, I needed to wake up and pick out my outfit for tonight. Images from last night flowed through my head of Harry and I. I smiled at the thoughts. Then I pushed back the comforter and went to have a shower.
After my refreshing shower, I picked out my outfit for the day, which consisted of grey sweatpants, simple black shirt and my fuzzy pink socks. I threw my hair up into a messy top knot, grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw a note on the fridge. I walked over towards the note, gently pulled it off the fridge and read it:

'Good morning x,
Sorry to leave you in such a rush but I have been called into work today and your mother has taken Aria to a friends houses and Riley to the mall. Ryder is out with Gemma, so you are home alone. Please don't burn the house down xx
Love you

P.S. there is a little 'something something' in the fridge for you for breakfast x'

My father is truly the cutest, I love him so much. I smiled lightly before opening the fridge to find pancakes. MY FAV!!!!! I took the pancakes out and ate them. After I ate them, I checked my phone to see if I had any alerts from Harry. Still nothing. Maybe he isn't up yet. I flopped down on the couch, bored out of my mind. I finally decided, because I was that bored, to go walk up my long driveway to see if we had any mail. I eventually pull myself off the couch and out the front door, starting my long trek up the driveway.

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