chapter 12

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I sucked in a deep breath before opening the car door and meeting Chloe at the front of he car. "Lex, dude you look like you are going to throw up. Do you want me to take you home" Chloe asked concerned, shaking my arm. "Chloe, I promise I'm fine" I yelled, laughing. "hmmm alright" she said before linking our arms together and walking into the party.

Teens everywhere!! Grinding, flirting, dancing, talking, kissing. Everything. Not that I'm surprised I mean I am at a teenage party. Chloe and I slowly made our way through the crowd of sweaty teenagers before finally reaching the backyard. "There's Niall" Chloe pointed out. "Let's go see him". We walked towards him. He was sitting in a chair, talking to a blonde girl with really pretty blue eyes. "Hey Niall" I said, cheerily. He looked up at us. "Ayeeee" he yelled, not drunk but not far from it. "Is this your house" I asked, admiring it. "Indeed" Niall grinned. "It's beautiful" I breathed taking in the view of the stunning house. "Ummm....Niall" the blonde hair girl coughed awkwardly. "Oh my bad babe. Chloe, Lexi. this is my girlfriend, Brooke". Brooke smiled at us. "Hey" Chloe and I said in unison. "Hi" she said back shyly, grabbing Niall's hand. "She gets a little shy when she meets new people" Niall explained, kissing her forehead. For the next 20 minutes, us 4 talked about the randomist shit. Whilst talking to one another I couldn't help but look around the yard to see if I could spot Harry. I couldn't see him anywhere. "Looking for Harry" Niall smirked. Shit. I shot a glare at him. "No" I lied. "Lexi, I know what happened last night with you and Harry". My mouth dropped and nearly hit the fall. "How" I whispered, my cheeks turning red with embarrassment. "He rang me up last night and explained everything". "Seriously, but Lexi, I love you as a friend that's why I'm going to say this. Harry isn't the kind of guy who dates. He kinda just uses girls for sex then leaves them the next day" Niall explained and I felt my heart shatter. "Oh" is all I could say. "I'm sorry I had to say it so harshly, but I didn't want to see you hurt". I felt really sick after Niall told me that. "You okay Lex" Niall asked. "Yeah, I just need to sit down" I explained taking a seat in a deck chair. Harry is a fuckboy. I should of seen it coming. My heart was all shattered and I felt sick. This isn't how I wanted to spend my Saturday night.

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