chapter 27

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It's been 2 months since the incident with Isaac. In that 2 months, my life has changed. Riley broke up with her boyfriend after he bet her up in a car park. She is okay, just a few bumps and bruises, but she is now dating a trainee doctor which I am so stocked about. My parents filed for a divorce. My father was apparently cheating on my mother with a lady at his work in London. I was so devastated when I found that out. I loved my father. He meant the world to me. But after I heard what he was doing, everything started to fall into place. All the expensive things he brought me were to bribe me. Bribe me to still love and care about him even though he never did about us. And get this. The lady dad was dating, is 4 months pregnant. I hate my dad. My mum decided to hire somebody to manage her shops around town while she worked from home. She has definitely tried a lot harder to be a better mother. She is happier now and that makes me happy. Ryder and Gemma moved to Miami together. Gemma was studying to be a teacher whilst Ryder was working on his own business. I'm extremely happy for them too. Everyone is happy now. Everyone but me. Okay, maybe that's just a bit of an exaggeration but I mean I have been happier before. I guess ever since the whole Isaac incident I have never looked at myself the same. Oh and that whole vomiting up blood situation was no big deal. Apparently Isaac triggered a bone in my body move when he threw me up against the wall, allowing the blood to flow through a new part of my body. But they got it all fixed in no time and now, here I am. I have less than 2 weeks till graduation. After graduation I will be moving up to attended EastWood Collage which is about 4 hours away. I'm so excited I got into Eastwood, everyone at my school is going there and I mean everyone. Harry is going. He is staying in a fraternity. Speaking of Harry, ever since he literally saved me from Isaac, we have definitely gotten closer. In fact both of our groups sit all together at lunch. We are all really good friends. OMG and Isaac left the school. Don't blame him though. After the word got out about what he did to me, everyone started to give him shit. I never knew how many people cared about me. In the end he had no choice but to move far far FAR away from here and from me. But yeah, there's a little update. Now I'm just laying on my bed, thinking about Collage and all the golden opportunities that I will get. The
people I will meet. The memories I will make. With Harry? Who knows. I mean c'mon, nobody knows what goes on in his brain. No One

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