1: her.

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"Kook, are you ready to go?" Namjoon walks into the bathroom where Jungkook was fixing his hair.
"Almost." Namjoon walked away, leaving the younger in the bathroom to finish up.

They rarely ever went out clubbing, but tonight was a special occasion. They were in America. They were in Vegas, a city filled with flashing lights, loud music, and clubs. How could they not want to join the party life?

Jungkook sighed to himself before leaving the bathroom. He was the last one out so he locked the door to their dorm and headed downstairs to meet his hyungs in the car.

The car ride was really loud. The band was so excited to finally have a break and just have fun. Being an Idol was extremely hard work, but it all paid off in the end because they made millions of people happy.

"What are you thinking about, Jungkook?" Hoseok asked him, making him snap back into reality. Jungkook just gave a small smile and replied "Life." Hoseok gave him a goofy look before turning back around and engaging with the rest of the band members commotion.

Jungkook turned to look back out of the window, enjoying the scenery. He loved all of the bright flickering lights. It made him smile to himself seeing people scattered around the streets. Friend groups, Families, Couples. Everyone was just out to have a great time.

"WOOOOOOOOO" Jungkook zoned back in hearing Hoseok yelling at the top of his lungs. The nightclub they were going to was in view. He suddenly became anxious, he couldn't wait to get there and party. Hoseok was still yelling, but he didn't mind because that's the type of mood he was in. That's the type of mood Vegas put him in.

The limo pulled up in front of the nightclub. The building had "XS" in large letter plastered on the front of it. There seemed to be a long line, but the band had VIP access and were let in immediately after showing their ID's to the bouncer. The moment Jungkook walked into the club, he felt a sudden Euphoria. Flashing lights, Loud music, People dancing, Games. He smiled at his hyungs as they all walked over to the VIP seating area that they had reserved earlier before. Jungkook scooted into the booth in between Jin and Jimin. They were going to order themselves some drinks before they went out.

Jungkook didn't really drink like that, he wasn't a fan of liquor, but he didn't want to look like a punk in front of his hyungs.

Before he knew it he had downed 3 shots an was now sipping on a margarita. Most of the other band members had already gotten up and made their way over to the dance floor, but Jungkook had been at the table with Jimin and a few other random people who had came over to socialize. Jimin was such a social butterfly with or without the drinks, but Jungkook was so talkative now that he'd downed so much alcohol. He even gained enough courage to talk to girls. He flirted around a little bit, giving seductive smiles and even playful winks to women who came by to talk to him. His limited english made it a little hard but he still got by. Most of the girls thought it was cute.

Jungkook was ready to leave the VIP area though, he wanted to go and explore the club. Drink in hand, the younger stepped out onto the dance floor. It wasn't hard to spot the rest of the members, especially Hoseok who was the center of attention. He was engaging it what seemed like a dance battle. His opponent was a talk dark man. Jungkook stared and laughed at his silly hyung who always stood out no matter where he was.

Taking a few more sips from his drink, he decided to join the crowd of people watching Hoseok. He laughed the weird funky dance moves he did, moving along to the beat as well. After a while everyone was dancing with each other. There were so many pretty women, all skin tones, all shapes, all sizes who he danced with. Some were touchy, but Jungkook didn't mind, he was enjoying himself.

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