11. betrayed

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The rest of the days the guys had been there the three of them pretty much just chilled. They went out, mostly sight seeing or doing light shopping. Namjoon wanted to buy gifts for his niece, buf Jungkook jealously insisted that he didn't have to do it. It was his job as a father, not Namjoon's.

Kendra noticed that Jungkook was extremely possessive and insecure at times. She really didn't like that about him but at the same time, Namjoon was trying to get closer and closer. Jungkook didn't think of Namjoon as an enemy, but he was definitely a threat. It was quite evident he was coming onto Kendra at times, but Jungkook would do everything in his power to make sure he was the only man in her eyes.

The days were suddenly coming to an end, their time there almost cut. Neither of them wanted to think about the last day coming, they dreaded the thought so much. Time really wasn't on their side; Kendra wishes she could just freeze the ticks for just a moment, but their separation was inevitable. It was best to enjoy each other's time now and live in the moment.


As the day wrapped up, the three of them sat down together, eating ice cream. Namjoon was telling Kendra embarrassing stories about the group from their predebut a few years back. He kept a smile on Kendra's face, never leaving her a moment to breathe before she was laughing again.

Namjoon never brought the bathroom situation up and it seemed as though he had forgot all together. Maybe he was just pretending for Jungkook's sake. He didn't want to hurt his friend with a silly assumption that he didn't even know was true or not.

Kendra could actually possibly be seeing another man and just playing Jungkook. She didn't really seem like the type, but these kind of women were always the sneakiest. Pretending to have no idea who Jungkook was, making him feel special like he finally found someone who seen him as a human and not an idol.

Namjoon remember seeing her in the club again. He had remembered glancing at her for just a small moment, seeing she had been seated with Jungkook at the bar for a while. That's all he really noticed about her on that night. The woman in gold, with the long red hair. Nothing too special to him, she was Jungkook's for the night so he showed no interest. It began to irritate him that he ignored her like that.

He'd wish he was in Jungkook's place a little. He wanted to feel a bit dangerous, a bit free too. He wanted a risk. There was something about Jungkook's situation that satisfied him. Only he knew Jungkook's secret, it was his job to keep it and tell no one. That was a big deal to him.


Kendra started to complain as it got later and later. She was tired and her feet ached horribly. They had decided it was time to go home, this time Jungkook drove since Namjoon was constantly on the verge of running them off the road. Namjoon and Jungkook failed to mention that Namjoon had no license; Another secret they shared.

When Jungkook pulled in front of Kendra's house he had noticed there was another car in Kendra's driveway. It seemed pretty beat down, a sight for sore eyes to say the least. "Who's that?" Looking over at Kendra, his eyes furrowed inward in concern. She had looked worried, her face flushed in confusion. Namjoon looked over from the backseat noticing the car in her driveway as well.

So he was right.

"Jungkook.." Looking over at him, he lips trimbled and quivered a little. Namjoon felt himself turning hot a fueling up with rage. So she was just fooling him? He'd almost had an outburst, but he waited for her to explain himself. There was a look of hurt and confusion in Jungkook's eyes. She hadn't said anything, but he could feel bad news coming.

When the three of them had finally entered the house, there was a man sitting on the couch. He was relaxed, laid back, a joint in hand. He only looked at Kendra, not giving the other two men a single glance. "So this what we doing now?" Kendra couldn't even speak out of fear. Why was he in her house? "How did you get a key, Dontae?"

He laughed, taking a drag from his blunt. "Under the carpet." He shook the key in her face. "You really shouldn't be keeping a key in such an obvious place." Jungkook and Namjoon both stood in silence, watching the encounter between the two people. Finally, the man took a glance over at Namjoon. "That's yo new nigga?"

Namjoon was oh so familiar with that word.

Kendra turned around looking up at Namjoon before shaking her head. She then pointed to Jungkook who was already staring deep into Dantae's soul. Dontae gave him a dirty look right back, but Jungkook wasn't really phased. This man seemed like more of a bark than a bite kind of guy. He was shorter than Jungkook, not fit at all. His ego wasn't nearly as hurt as his heart.

How'd he get Kendra again? But then he realized he had to ask himself the same question. Neither of them were really worthy.

"This is Jungkook. This is Jungkook's kid." The woman pointed down at her stomach, sounding as if she was talking to a small child instead of an adult. Dontae was pretty delusional, he still wasn't over their breakup. "How do you know it's not mine?" Namjoon wanted to ask her the same question. How did she know it was Jungkook's if she'd been with this man too.

"Dontae we haven't slept together in almost a year." She reminded him, becoming a bit annoyed. The three of them were all still standing awkwardly at the door. "Come on, guys. Come in." There was no way she'd let this bum make her feel uncomfortable in her own home.

Dontae kept sending Jungkook dirty looks, looking him up and down. Jungkook returned all the stares, even rolling his eyes. The tension in the air was thick between the three men. Kendra cleared her throat, looking at Jungkook who was sitting directly next to her. "Well, this is Dontae. He's my ex." Dontae cut her off. "Your ex?"

Kendra was nervous now. Her and Dontae had so much history and she could never fully cut him off, but she'd been ignoring him since the baby. She didn't tell him anything at all for the past 5 months, just left him hanging like he didn't exist. "So we broke up? And I'm just now hearing about it?" Kendra gave a sympathetic look. This was sorta her fault, she never really officially ended things with Dontae.

But she was with Jungkook now, so Dontae had better suck it up.

"You know what I hate about you bitches?" That word made the three of them mentally cringe. Calling a woman out her name like that was a huge no-no. Dontae truly had no respect and he wanted it to be known. "Y'all always play the victim, but really y'all the ones who do us niggas dirty." Kendra could only look down at her hands, knowing she was guilty. "You're telling me you went and met some random nigga at the club, fucked him, ghosted me and now you're having a baby?" Dontae was in disbelief, "And you just want me to be okay with that."

"You're not my fucking boyfriend." She Kendea yelled back. "You knew what the situation was before you even decided to force yourself back into my life." She was so sick of Dantae, he just needed to leave for good.

Jungkook wished he could defend her, but he was limited on english and knew so little compared to the two American's and Namjoon. He just sat in silence, becoming more and more annoyed at rhe sound of Dantae's voice. Maybe if he leaped over and punched him he could have ended this all.

The argument between Kendra and Dontae had eventually heated up, Namjoon had to jump in and back Kendra up. Jungkook felt incompetent, wanting so badly to be in Namjoon's place to defend Kendra. His blood was boiling at the amount of times Dontae kept saying the word 'bitch' and 'hoe'

"That's why I hope that baby fucking dies, Slut."

The room went quiet for a moment or maybe that was all in Jungkook's head. His ears started ringing and he was seeing black. Did he just say he hopes their child dies. Jungkook couldn't even prepare himself for what had happened next, all he knew is he and Namjoon had jumped on Dontae, swinging at him while Kendra coward away in a corner like last time.

Jungkook was basically curb stomping him into the creme carpet while Namjoon kicked him in his sides and stomach. He had crossed the line, Jungkook took all his pinned up anger out on the man. There was soon a puddle of blood pooling around the carpet where Dontae laid unconscious. Luckily, he was still alive; just beaten horribly. Kendra kicked him to the curb after everything was said and done.

Jungkook stormed off to the guest room, slamming the door loudly. Namjoon gave Kendra a dirty look before following after him. "I fucking knew it were the last word he uttered, leaving in the leaving alone and sobbing silently to herself.

She had to fix this.

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