4. decisions

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The young man stood there in disbelief. He held the phone his ears, staring blankly at the wall. This was it. He was over. Jungkook was over.

"P-Pregant?" He asked. His voice shaking. He understood exactly what she was saying, he just couldn't believe it though. He was going to be a father to a child who he had with a one night stand that lived all the way on the other side of the world. This was all bad.

His life had basically just begun, he was barely into his 20's yet and he was going to have a baby. With a complete fucking stranger. What was he going to tell people? No one in BTS managed to have child yet and the fact that he, the youngest, would be the first won't be a good look. How was he going go tell BANG PD? The members? His family?

"Jungkook?" Kendra spoke through the other line, just as anxious as he was. She knew this was all her fault and she shouldn't have put him in a position like this begin with. The younger man was too stunned to speak, unable to take in anything she was saying. This random foreigner he hadn't even known for a half a day was about to have his child.

"Kendra.. I need.. to see you." Was all he could manage. Their living situation was horrible. He didn't want to he an absent father, that'd make matters even worse for him. His child living across the world was a big problem. He needed to see her quickly and talk face to face.

"Jungkook? What's going on?" Jungkook turned around quickly, looking at Namjoon who ran into him. "What're you doing over here?"

His heart sunk for what felt like the one-millionth time. "I'm on the phone with my mom. Please come back later." Namjoon noticed the stressed and agitated look on his face and decided to leave it at that. He only nodded and left, leaving a worried Jungkook behind.

"Are you here, Kendra?" He asked. He knew she was but he just needed reassurance. He finally understood why he felt like his soul was tied to her. It wasn't just his heart he left in Vegas, he left his child there too. A sigh left his lips and he looked down at the ground. This was a reality he couldn't hide from. "I'm going to catch a flight as soon as I'm done with work. I'm coming to see you." Kendra didn't know what to say. She simply agreed and prepared for him to come. Things were going to be different now.


Kendra and the baby were on Jungkook's conscious all day long. He couldn't focus, he was constantly losing in games, just completely out of it. Everyone noticed because this wasn't Jungkook. Namjoon noticed the most though. He assumed Jungkook's mom had told him bad news over the phone and that's why he needed so much privacy. They never liked to get too deep into each other's personal home life, but Namjoon needed to know what was up.

Later on that night when everyone was back at the dorm, everyone tended to their own normal activities. Except Jungkook. Jungkook stayed in his room for hours, no sign on anything behind his door. With Jungkook missing the house seemed quieter than usual. Even the loud screams of Hoseok and Jimin playing games couldn't fill the hole a member missing left.

Taehyung had approached Namjoon who was sitting down writing in his note pad. "What's wrong with Jungkook?" Sitting down next to Joon, he crossed his arms. "I don't know. I think it's something personal with his mom. He's been acting weird since that phone call with her." Taehyung 'aah'd' nodding his head in agreement. "Has anyone went to check on him? It's been a while." Namjoon shook his head no. "Let's give him some time and space before asking questions. He may need time on his own before he can come to us."

It was a while before he decided to come to them. He grew more distant, locking himself in his room too often. Members heard him talking on the phone in low whispers ever so often. No one could make out what he said, it just didn't seem like Korean. What everyone didn't know it Taehyung was playing spy to the T.

"Jungkook's talking to a girl." He randomly blurted out to the other 5 members. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. "There was a girl he met at the club. The one he left with." Jimin had an 'ahh' moment. "That's right! He did leave the club with a girl." Jin shook his head. "Is it really that serious to the point where he needs to cut us off though? I'm sure we all talk to girl's at some point, but that's not an excuse to stop talking to us."

All the members agreed, wondering what kind of person this girl was to have gotten Jungkook's attention like this. Hoseok crossed his legs and began to think. "Maybe something bad happened. Maybe she's a stalker and she's trying to blackmail him." The members gasped, a whole new theory unlocking. "That's non-sense. Where do you come up with things like that?" Jin yelled. "Don't you hear yourself?" That set Hoseok off. "Do I hear myself? You were the same one who said he probably got her pregnant and you're saying I'm the crazy one?"


Time passed and Jungkook still hadn't went to see Kendra. She was beginning to lose all hope. She'd have to raise their baby on her own. In the end, she should have known. He was a star and she was basically a nobody. It would never work out. They were destined to fail from the very beginning.

Jungkook on the other hand was just looking for a plan. He didn't know how to do this in secret, he'd never done anything like this alone before. The stress of this entire situation was too much. He di what he could to keep up with Kendra. Talking with her and sending her money whenever he had free time. That wasn't enough though; He needed to physically be there with her and see her for himself.


Three months had passed by now, the situation was a lot more clear now and he had finally accepted everything. However, he still hadn't gotten to see her yet. Kendra was four months pregnant now, her was bump present now. Jungkook just wanted to jump through the screen and see it in real life. Now was the time to see her.

He had to be truthful with himself and realize he couldn't do this alone. He needed to tell his members, they deserved to know. This was a selfish move on his part and he felt guilty about that since the news getting out could possibly tarnish BTS' name. This was going to be hard but it had to be done.


"What the fuck." Namjoon stared at Jungkook like he'd just seen a ghost. "This had better be a joke." He stood up from his seat, looking down on a teary eyed Jungkook. "It's not. I'm sorry." Jungkook had finally come around to telling Namjoon the truth about the baby and Namjoon wasn't taking it well. "She could be lying on even scamming you for money! Did you not think about that?" Jungkook felt a little hurt by Namjoon's accusations. He felt like he knew Kendra too well, but that could have actually been a possibility. There is a chance should could just be using him, but he didn't want to think about that.

"No. She showed me test and papers." He tried reassuring his older brother, but also himself. What Namjoon said was playing with his mind a little. "I need to see her, Namjoon. I don't want her to do this on her own. I don't want my baby to not have a dad." Namjoon cringed hearing Jungkook saying 'my baby'. He couldn't believe he was going to be a dad and to a stranger he didn't even know. He wondered how Jungkook's mom would react, especially since the older generation discriminated against people with darker tones.

"Okay, Jungkook. Let me go with you. You'll need a translator and someone trust worthy so that no one else will know." Jungkook and Namjoon sat together coming up with a detailed plan about how the two of them would go to Vegas soon again. What happened there should have stayed there, but Jungkook broke the golden rule.

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