16. meet site

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Kendra decided to dress in a maternity romper Jungkook had bought her at the baby store. It was yellow and airy, which was great for her since she got hot easily. She decided to just throw on a random wig she had in her closet, not caring too much about how she looked ever since she had gotten pregnant. That was definitely something she needed to work on.

Jungkook stepped out her bathroom dressed in a long sleeved button up paired with ripped jeans. She couldn't help but cringe, his age was definitely showing and she kept trying to forget about that part. He really was just a kid. "You look like you have a meeting at 8 and a party at 9." She joked, but he only looked at her in confusion. Shaking her head, she laughed to herself and continued on getting ready.

While she was adding her final touches of makeup on she noticed Jungkook behind her rummaging through his bag he bought from the jeweler. She wasn't expecting him to wear flashy jewelry for a casual date but again, he was living way outside her tax bracket so she probably would never understand it. To her surprise, he walked up behind her, opening a rectangular box, pulling out the 'J' necklace she had forgotten all about.

"Jungkook no." She said, holding her hand out. "Jungkook yes~~" He jokingly sang back, ignoring her disapproval. "I want to make things up to you." He fidgeted around with the clasp of the necklace before placing it around her neck and securing it. Looking at her in the mirror in the vanity he watched as the pendant with his initial on it fell in between her large breast.

They've gotten bigger.

"Jungkook, I don't want you thinking you have to do stuff like this for me just because we're having a baby." His perverted mind suddenly cleared up and he became annoyed at his denied advances. No matter how much he tried he couldn't get her to believe she was worthy. "Let me take care of it, Kendra. I have it." She didn't really understand what he meant but she still nodded, finally finishing her look off with a couple spritz of perfume.

She almost laughed out loud when she was Jungkook wearing timberland boots with his outfit. He was so funny to het and he didn't even know it. Heading over to the car he walked her over to her side first, helping her get in before he did the same for himself. "I want to take you... someplace special.. to me." Kendra just looked at him with a blank expression, not even knowing what to say.

It suddenly dawned on her again that in a couple days he'd be gone again. Her heart couldn't take it but she knew there was no way he'd be able to stay any longer especially with his conflicting schedule. Maybe she should just move to Korea with him, her family and friends would just have to understand. It's not like they were much help to her anyway.

Staring out the window she watched as they drove down a familiar road, She had been on this road a couple of times, memories and secrets suddenly coming back up and she got nervous when she finally realized where he was heading.

"Jungkook, No." Turning to him, she furrowed her brows in disbelief. "Why on earth would you want to come back here?" He wasn't even listening to her, he just pulled into the parking lot of the place with a smug smile on his face like this was some master plan that was supposed to impress her.

She fell back into her seat, looking up at the sign of the club she and Jungkook had met at that night. Ducking her head down low, she hoped no one would see her and recognize her, especially since they were driving in her car. "Surprise!" He said, with a stupid grin on his face. He completely ignored how uncomfortable she was.

"Let's go in and get some food." Kendra looked at him as If he was crazy. "No way in hell I'm going back in that club during the daytime for some stale wings and fries." Funny enough Jungkook liked the food there. Disregarding everything she said he hopped out and walked over to her side to let her out. "Come out." He demanded, that same childish smile on his face.

Smacking her lips, she finally came out, snatching her purse from out the car, but Jungkook insisted he put it back inside since he'd be the one paying. "Of course you're paying, my purse just completes my look." She flipped her hair and fixed her romper before closing the door behind herself.

Jungkook guided her into the club even though she still tried to convince him it was a bad idea. She had a lot of history with the club and she didn't need her soon to be baby daddy finding out about all her dirty work two days before he's meant to go back to Korea. There's no way she'd have enough time to explain her past to him If he knew what she used to be. Luckily it was still light outside so the usuals wouldn't be there.

Once inside, Jungkook walked directly over to order himself and Kendra drinks, hers being non-alcoholic of course. She immediately recognized the bar tender since he had been working there for years. "I know that's not who I think it is." Furrowing her brows she let out a whimper knowing this was about to turn into something she didn't want it to.

"You sure do have a lot of explaining to do." The bartender looked down at her stomach then at Jungkook. "I know, Devon, but I just can't right now. Don't tell Cee I was hear either."

Just as she spoke that devils name she saw him walk from out of the back room. His eyes scanned through everyone at the bar as always, If you weren't buying a drink he wanted you gone. His eyes stopped when he saw Kendra and he stood there in disbelief. "You got some nerve coming up in here after all this time, Girl."

"I know, Cee. It was unexpected for me to." She decided to stand up and show him her baby bump, hoping he'd have sympathy on her, especially knowing Cee didn't take debt that well. It didn't surprise her that was was basically unphased by her pregnancy.

"Hoes get pregnant all the time. That don't mean their pussy stops working." He said with a straight face, making Kendra wildly uncomfortable. "All I know Is you cost me a lot of money when you bailed out on that show and I'm still trying to financially recover from it. You know how much these niggas love Redd Ruby." Hearing him call her that made her wince in disgust. She suddenly felt small under Cee's gaze as he pierced into hers with his evil eyes. She felt like a teenager again, meeting him for the first time after her mother had kicked her out. She didn't want to think about those memories.

Jungkook was confused as ever, only catching onto a few words, but he could tell this wasn't a happy exchange. Kendra was glad he couldn't understand English at times like this. She cringed hearing him saying that but instead of reposing she just turned to Jungkook. "We need to go. Now." Jungkook knew she was serious this time so he didn't try to fight her, he even left his untouched shot behind.

Cee watched them as they walked away, wonderinf who that guy who had came in with Kendra was. He looked over at Devon who was just as confused. "I didn't know she was into younger guys." Shrugging, he continued to clean the glasses.

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