9. peace

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"Absolutely not. My daughter wouldn't be caught dead wearing that." Kendra snatched the giraffe onesie from Jungkook's hand. The two of them were out shopping together alone, Jungkook wore a funny disguise but she was still happy. They were going on a shopping spree the moment they found out the gender of the baby. Jungkook was eager and there was no time to waste in his book. There was no telling when he'd be back in America so he was making these last few days count.

"What about this?" Kendra held up a light pink onesie to her stomach, showing it off for Jungkook. "No." He simply stated. He actually did like it but there was no way he'd agree with Kendra after she turned down the giraffe onesie. The woman put it in the cart anyway, not caring even a little bit about what Jungkook had to say. The two bought so much stuff the entire backseat of the car was full. Kendra was against it but Jungkook insisted. "Jungkook, she's going to grow out of these clothes so quickly, we don't need to fill her entire closet up just yet." Jungkook was too busy putting the last bags in the car. He had already bought everything so what was the point in complaining now?

The two of them decided to stop by and get a bite to eat since Kendra kept complaining about being Hungry. They sat somewhere cut off so that no one could really see them. Kendra didn't mind, the only thing on her mind was food. She ordered a bunch, but Jungkook was okay with it. He wanted to spoil her and the baby. The waiter brought their food out after a while and the two of them began to eat.

"So..." Kendra started, placing her burger down on her plate. "I kinda want to talk about us." Jungkook placed his fork down on his plate after noticing the serious look on her face. "Yeah?" He replied. There wasn't much he could say because even he didn't know what they were doing. "Well.. We need to figure something out before the baby comes. How will this work? With you being in Korea and me being in Vegas." Jungkook let out a sigh. He's been wondering about that too. "I will get house." As if it was that easy. She stared at him with a dumb look on her face. "You're going to get a house in Vegas?" Be nodded his head reluctantly. "I will visit you often." Kendra ran her fingers through her hair not believing a word he said. She'd definitely need to have Namjoon talk with him about some things.

The dinner went well and they made small talk, mostly just Kendra trying to teach Jungkook some English words that he wanted to know on the Menu. The parents were both glad they were on good terms now.

After spending a whole day out the two of them were walking in the city. Jungkook had to give up his coat to Kendra though because it had gotten dark and chilly out. There were no complaints though. Jungkook wanted to do something for her he just didn't know what. The baby was such a blessing and a big deal to him. He spotted a nearby jewelry store ahead, grabbing hold on Kendra's hand he guided her there quickly. "Come on."

"No, Jungkook." She tried to fight him on entering the jewelry store. "You don't have to, I promised." Jungkook was getting so sick of her not listening to him when he said it was what he wanted to do. "Stop, Kendra. Stop fighting me." Finally, she gave in with a sigh and held his hand tightly while they walked into the jewelry store. The diamond's sparkled like nothing she'd ever seen before.

Jungkook walked her over to a counter where a worker stood. "Ring size?" Kendra couldn't help but feel guilty for some reason. Butterflies formed in her stomach. Was he going to propose to her? Right now? She was afraid and worried but decided to just go with it because Jungkook wanted to do it. She got sized for her ring before they went on looking for rings. She spotted one with a beautiful stone, covered in diamonds. One look at the price tag was enough to humble her though.

"You like it?" Jungkook came up behind her, putting his hand around her waist and letting his hands rest on her stomach. "No." She lied. There was no way she'd make him spend that much money on her. "Try it on." She quivered at the sound of his voice. "Okay." The jeweler brought out the ring in her size to let her try it on. Jungkook hovered over her, holding her hand in his. "It's pretty, isn't it?" As much as she wanted to say yes, her mind was eating her up. "I'd like to look around more." Jungkook sighed in disappointment telling the jeweler to keep it out.

Moving away from her, he went over to look at chains and necklaces. Those weren't her taste at all but luckily he was just looking to buy things for himself. Kendra was getting tired and her feet were started to hurt. He ended up buying her a diomand necklace with his initial, "J", on it and many things for himself. She couldn't even be at the counter to see what the price came up to, but it definitely had to be close to one million. Jungkook carried around a black card, there was no denying he was well taken care of.

The way back to her house Jungkook decided to drive because he was tired of hearing Kendra complain. They sat in comfortable silence, the music playing while his hand rubbed her knee. Kendra looked out the window, her eyes threatening to shut at any moment. The two arrived home safely and Jungkook called Namjoon to help him get the bags out the car.

Namjoon was too worried about getting Kendra out the car though and left Jungkook to do all the work. He's definitely not coming back with him next time. The final bags were in the house bundled up in a corner in the living room. The nursery wasn't together yet because the guest room was occupied by Namjoon and Jungkook. Jungkook promised he'd buy everything and help put it up before he left.

Everyone was getting ready for bed. Jungkook was in the shower for such a long time and Namjoon was becoming impatient. Even though he didn't want to, he decided to know on Kendra's door. She opened after a while, looking up at him with tired eyes. "I'm so sorry for waking you up. I just really need to use your shower." Kendra was a bit shocked, she wanted to ask why but it was no use. "Uh..sure." Namjoon thanked her before walking deep into her room and going straight to the bathroom.

Closing the door behind him and turning the water on immediately, he wanted nothing more than to just leave her room. He showered for around 10 minutes before getting out. Wrapping a towel around his waist he got out the shower and made his way to the mirror. Handsome as always. Out of curiosity, he looked down at all the products scattered on the sink. Furrowing his brows inward at the sight of men's products on the sink. Why does she have so many men's products?

He decided to shake it off. Maybe she used them herself? He fixed his hair a little bit before turning around to leave the bathroom. On the floor he saw men's boxer briefs. This made is stop in place. How didn't he notice all of this when he first walked in? Leaving the bathroom, he turned the lights off and stepped into the main part of the bedroom where she lied down drifting into sleep.

"Kendra. Are you seeing someone?"

"Hm?" Her eyes opened with quickness. Why was Namjoon in her room? She stared at him with a confused expression and then a surprised one. He was standing there with just a towel wrapped around his waist. "What do you mean?" She asked again. "Why are their men's products and underwear in the bathroom?" Kendra stared blankly at him. She had completely forgotten that her ex hadn't gotten his things from her house yet.

"Namjoon... It's nothing serious, Okay? Someone used to live here, but they're gone now." Namjoon wasn't convinced. He knew he should of hung onto his suspicions in the first place. What if this really was some weird stalker lying on Jungkook? "Kendra. You better not be lying." That was all he said before walking away and leaving her dumb founded and tired.

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