6. it's complicated

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Namjoon stood there is shock, looking down on Jungkook like he'd seen a ghost. There was no fucking way he had just said that. Namjoon felt as though he'd attack Jungkook at any moment. "We came all the way here just for you to tell her you want her to kill her child?" Jungkook butted end, "It's my child too, Namjoon! You do realize that, right? This won't work. I can't take care of a fucking kid." Jungkook rarely ever cursed, especially not in front of his leader who he had great respect for.

Namjoon just shook his head, there was no way he'd tell that woman to get rid of her child after coming all this way. "I'm not telling her." The older man turned back to Kendra who wore a confused look on her face. "I'm sorry, just give him a moment." Jungkook still wasn't looking at her or speaking to her which made Kendra feel horrible. Why was he suddenly acting as if he didn't want to see her? She wish she understood what the two of them were saying.

Namjoon nearly jumped on Jungkook, he was definitely going to slap him silly when they had some time alone. After talking with the younger for a moment, he finally brought him back to his sense. Jungkook had no other choice but to accept he would be a father. Namjoon turned to Kendra and apologized for keeping her waiting for a response. "He just needs some more time to think about things and what he wants to say." Kendra just nodded before showing the two boys to the guest room. Jungkook just brushed past her without udderingna word or sparing her a glance.


Kendra sighed to herself, making dinner for the three of them. Jungkook stayed in the guest room all day, not coming out for any reason. Maybe he wouldn't be joining them for dinner who knows. She heard sudden footsteps before turning around swiftly to be met by Namjoon. She smiled at him, placing a hand on her chest out of fright. "Hello, Again." He bowed to her before standing next to her at the stove. "I just want to say I'm really sorry about Jungkook, Okay? He's not in his right mind." Kendra only nodded, wanting to hear that from Jungkook himself instead of Namjoon.

It was Jungkook's baby, not Namjoon's. Why wasn't Jungkook the one keeping her company and checking on her? She assumed Namjoon was only here to lessen the awkward tension between the two soon to be parents. He didn't even know anything about her and she didn't know anything about him. This would be the perfect time to get to know her and he's letting it all go to waste. She should break the door down and confront him.

"I have an appointment tomorrow." Bringing her attention back to Namjoon she smiled again. He hummed in response, wanting to hear more. "It would be great if he could come, you know? I don't want to keep going through this alone." She felt herself become emotional thinking about how scared and afraid she really was. Her lips quivered and a tear fell from her eyes. Namjoon noticed and rubbed her back. "I don't know what you're going through, but I'm so sorry. I'm going to try my hardest to get Jungkook to be on board." Hearing those words made her sob, Namjoon pulled her into a hug, holding her in his embrace.

The devil was clearly working hard that day because in that very moment, Jungkook decided to come out of his room. His blood was boiling at the sight of his brother hugging the mother of his child. Namjoon knew what he was going through and yet here he is trying to throw himself at her. He cleared his throat loud enough for the two of them to here. The two of them turned around at the sudden presence joining them. Jungkook was glaring at Namjoon with his hands in his pocket.

"Oh, hey Jungkook. Dinner is almost ready." Namjoon stepped away from Kendra, turning around to face Jungkook. "Look at everything Kendra cooked. You should thank her." Namjoon was getting extremely sick of Jungkook acting like a brat and gave him a glare right back. Why was he so prominent about coming if he was going to be rude the whole time.

"Why were you holding her?" Namjoon was a bit confused by the question. "How can you be so insecure about a woman you've showed no interest in?" The tension in the air was thick, even though Kendra couldn't understand a word she could tell Namjoon and Jungkook weren't in a good place. She couldn't help but feel guilty because of that. It was her fault they're going through this, she shouldn't have brought Jungkook back to her hotel that night.

"You're my friend, why are you trying to dabble around in my leftovers?" Namjoon's eyes widen. "Leftovers? Are you really that heartless, Jungkook?" At this point Namjoon was ready to hit him for the 1,000th time since they got there and they hadn't even been at Kendra's for a day yet. Balling his fist up he stepped closer to the younger. "Have you lost your mind." Kendra was in shock, these two were definitely about to get into a fight and she didn't know what to do. "Guys.." Stepping closer to them Kendra placed a hand on Namjoon's chest trying to get him out of Jungkook's face.

Jungkook didn't like that one bit. He grabbed her by her wrist as tight as he could, pulling her closer to him. "STOP TOUCHING HIM!" he scolded her, making her cower in fear. Namjoon had had enough and pushed Jungkook as hard as he can. Putting his hands on a woman was his breaking point and the fact that she was pregnant? with his child? How can someone disrespect their own child's mother like that?

Kendra screeched out loud, "Namjoon please don't. Don't hurt him." But Namjoon didn't want to hear it. "He has to learn!" With that being said he punched Jungkook right in his eye. He knew he'd regret this in the future, but Jungkook was on his very last nerves. They've fought before of course, but never like this. Things rarely ever got physical with them but this was much needed. Jungkook tried as hard as could to fight back, but he didn't really stand a chance to Namjoon.

Namjoon punched him only a few more times before getting up. "I better not ever catch you putting your hands on a woman." He stood over the younger's body, watching as he crouched in pain. Going into the guest bedroom he grabbed his coat and keys before leaving the house with a loud slam of the door. Kendra had tried to tell Namjoon to stay and that they could work this out but it was no use, he already made up his mind. He was gone, leaving Jungkook on the floor for Kendra's care.

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