8. my girl

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Jungkook hated having to wake up so early. No matter how many times he'd have to get up in the morning he'd never get used to it. Sitting in bed he stared off into the wall, dozing off. Namjoon came over and shook him which irritated Jungkook, but he knew he had to get up. Stretching one last time, he made his way over to the bathroom take take a shower. It took everything in him not to fall asleep in there. Today he'd finally be seeing his kid and hopefully finding out the gender.

Namjoon was already up and awake and eating breakfast by the time Jungkook was done getting dressed. Jungkook rubbed his eyes as he walked into the main area of Kendra's place. "Goodmorning." He was half awaking, peeking through one eye at the woman in front of him. "Goodmorning." She replied. Looking away quickly because she needed to come back down to earth. Jungkook was incredibly good looking, but she didn't want to fall too deep into his visuals before falling into him as a person. Perhaps she wasn't going to fall into him at all in the first place, maybe she and Jungkook weren't meant to be close.

Jungkook sat down across from Namjoon, they both said their goodmornings and made small talk like usual. The younger's face was healing well but the bruising was still apparent. Kendra had made him a plate and set it down in front of him. He thanked her but still didn't want to eat until she was seated too. He felt bad that she was doing so much work still and wanted to help, but then again what did he know?

Kendra was a grown adult. She had her life together, she knew what it was to live. Jungkook was only in his early 20's and still wanted no parts in adulthood. Kendra came and sat down finally with her own plate, "Why aren't you eating? Do you not like it?" This caused Namjoon to look up from his laptop. "What's wrong, Jungook?" Jungkook shook his head, "I was waiting for you." He noticed that Kendra was sitting closer to Namjoon so he decided to motion her to sit next to him.

She did so with no hesitation. Namjoon didn't seem to care as much as Jungkook wanted him to so he decided to put his pettiness aside. Scooting his chair closer to her even though she was already sitting directly next to him, he took her spook from her hand. "Hey." She glared at him, not happy about him getting between her and her food. "Let me feed you." He simply said. She calmed down a bit allowing him to do what he wanted. Namjoon looked across the table at the two of them blankly.


The three of them were on their way to the clinic, Namjoon driving, Kendra riding passenger, and Jungkook in the back seat. Of course Jungkook made a huge fuss about not being able to sit next to Kendra but Namjoon insisted it was so she could help him with directions. The younger sat in the backseat with his arms crossed like a brat not getting a new toy he wanted. They had finally arrived at the clinic and Jungkook hurriedly rushed out of his seat to be able to help Kendra out of the car before Namjoon could even get the chance.

He walked hand in hand with Kendra into the clinic. Luckily it was private and there were barely any cars there. Kendra said she had been here before which made Jungkook wonder. Opening to door for her, they both stepped in followed by Namjoon. No one was seated in the waiting room but them. Was God in favor of Jungkook for once?

After a few moments of small talk, a woman dressed in colorful scrubs walked out from a room.
"You really weren't kidding. Oh My God." She said. Jungkook had no idea what was going on, but apparently Kendra knew her since the two of them held each other in a tight hug. "What the fuck, Kenny. You're really having a whole ass baby." Kendra just nodded, smiling a little. "Yeah.. It's crazy. I know." The woman turned to face the other two men who immediately stood up and bowed to her. "Hello." She said, giving them an awkward smile. "I'm Doctor Marshall." They shared greetings with each other before she led the three of them two a back room.

"Now which one of you is Dad?" She asked, her eyes immediately diverting to Namjoon though. Namjoon shook his head at her, "It's him." Pointing over to Jungkook, Dr.Marshall's eyes trailed over to him. She had a sort of surprised look on first. "And how old are you?" Jungkook stammered on his words a little. "I'm 22." Kendra couldn't help but wince at hearing his age. She was so much older than him it was horrifying. Dr.Marshall glanced at Kendra with questioning eyes. "I had no idea you were into younger guys like that." Namjoon let out a chuckle before responding. "Jungkook's got a thing for older women."

That comment made Kendra a little flushed. She didn't know wether to be offended or satisfied. It felt like more of a back handed compliment than anything. "Hey, I'm not that old. Just older than him." She scolded. Namjoon bowed and apologized while Jungkook sat in the corner confused.

The appointment was going well, he had got to see his baby and take a copy of the ultrasound with him. If he wasn't so shy he'd definitely jump for joy. "So... do you all want to know your babies gender? It's still early, but I can tell you now." Kendra looked over at Jungkook who looked at Namjoon. Namjoon translated for him and Jungkook nearly flew out of his chair in excitement. "YES!"

Everyone laughed at him though, his sudden mood change made Kendra happy. He stood next to the bed and held Kendra's hand, bringing it to his lips he placed small kisses on it. "Thank you." Her heart could've melted in that moment if it wasn't so cold in the clinic. She smiled at him, but before she could say anything Dr.Marshall walked in with a few papers. "Are we ready to know the gender?"

She handed Jungkook prints of the ultrasound that he studied carefully. He could see his baby. The amount of happiness he felt couldn't be described in words. Namjoon just sat back and watched allowing them to have their moment. He was proud of Jungkook for finally stepping up, but he also felt something deep down in himself a little angry. Whatever it was, he decided to push it down for the sake of this happy moment.

The two of them were going to have a babygirl.

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