19. back to reality

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Jungkook didn't know how to process the information she had just told him. His head was spinning and his chest felt tight. The phone was now sitting next to him instead of being held tightly in his hand. He really didn't know what to think.

Not only did he have sex with a random woman, he got her pregnant, and now he's finding out she's a prostitute. There was no way he could justify this. As much as he wanted to pretend It didn't matter to him, he couldn't help but imagine Kendra sleeping around with other men.

Was it even his baby?


His head turned into the older woman's direction and he suddenly saw a new image in her. His heart didn't flutter the same when their eyes locked. Instead of love, there was a feeling closer to hate lingering in his body. His face was warm and he rocked his body back and forth unknowingly.

"I don't do that anymore. Once I found out I was pregnant I ran away from the club and decided to start over. I promise."

Picking his phone back up, he spoke into himself this time. "Were you told to come to me?"

Kendra's eyes glossed over the text until the translator finished forming the words. She looked up at him but said nothing. Her lips were slightly parted and she was left a bit dumbfounded by the question.

"Not to you specifically." Was all she could muster up. As much as she wanted to tell
him the truth she knew she couldn't because It would break his little heart in one million pieces. She never had any intentions when it came to Jungkook, her eyes were on another member. Jungkook just so happen to fall victim to the game.

The man sat there silently, phone held tightly in his hands as If it would up and run away If he let go of it. He covered his face with his hands and sighed loudly, becoming overturned with anger. This time he didn't use to translator when he spoke.

"So you were just doing your job then? This was all just a job to you?" —He spoke in Korean at first but then remembered she couldn't even understand him and it pissed him off more.

Clutching the phone in his hands his voice shook as he asked the question again and hurriedly showed her the words. Kendra held that same dumb expression on her face like she knew she had been caught.

"Yes. I was just doing what I was told." She admitted. Her face had no true emotion or expression behind it when she spoke. It was hard to read her when she just stared blankly, almost as of she just judging him for making such a big deal out of the situation. She seemed irritated, quickly wanting to just get things off her chest for her own guilty conscience.

A cry left Jungkook's lips and his shoulders dropped in defeat. "Kendra, why?" He could have started sobbing then with the amount of sadness he felt, but his anger overshadowed his other emotions. His pride hurt more than anything and he felt like he could just leap across the couch at any moment.

"If not me then who, Kendra?" His body shook violently when he thought about the thought of another man experiencing that night with Kendra. He had intervened with another man's fate and he was paying the ultimate price for it. "Who the fuck was it, Kendra? Who were you told to go to?" He placed his hands on her arms, pulling her up from the couch. Looking deep into her eyes, wanting answers. "Jungkook, you're hurting me."

She tried to pry his hands from her shoulders but he kept a strong grip. "Kendra. Who. The. Fuck. Was. It." He asked again and again. "Who was it supposed to be?"

Kendra closed her eyes real tight and sighed. "Namjoon."

His chest suddenly caved in. Just when he thought things couldn't get worse, they did. He wasn't sure who's name he was expecting to hear but none of them would hurt as badly as this one. She was no different than all the woman before him, he couldn't believe he had finally lost.

All those memories of his members and management telling him to be careful when entertaining certain women replayed in his mind. None of those women he imagined would look like the one standing in front of them. None of them worse flaming read hair and gold dresses. None of them had beautiful dark skin, and full lips. He would've never thought he'd lose to someone like her.

As much as he wanted to hate her he just couldn't. He wasn't sure If it was due to the sexual gratification she had given him or If it was just her who had him so hooked. Why did it have to be her? He asked himself over and over again. That night played over and over in his head as he thought about her like she wasn't even standing in front of him.

Was he really in love with Kendra or was he in love with a version of her that he met that night? His expectations of Kendra had been scrambled so many times since he had finally met her again formally. There was really never a time to get to know her true self so he had just felt comfort in memories of her.

"Do you like Namjoon?" She shook her head quickly, "No, Jungkook. Of course not." He wasn't convinced but he brushed the issue off. "Did you ever even like me?" This time there was no response and Jungkook could feel his heart being jabbed at over and over again. She didn't hesitate, she just sat there staring at him with sad eyes. I guess no answer really was an answer.

For the first time he finally let the tears roll. His body jerked as he cried and kneeled down to floor to hold himself in a ball. He seriously couldn't believe he just ruined his life so easily. Everything was for nothing and he didn't even know If this baby was even his anymore. Kendra knelled down next to him not even knowing how to comfort him.

"Jungkook, It's really not what you think." She tried to explain herself but she knew there was really no explanation. Truthfully she hadn't liked Jungkook, at least as not as much as he liked her. She didn't expect for that night to lead to all this, it was supposed to be a mere one night stand. The feelings she had for Jungkook didn't develop until recently.

"Listen to me, Jungkook. I do like you now. I'm still learning about you. I just needed time." But it was no use, he shook her off him. "So you never even thought about me? You never even thought about that night? Do you even know how many times I've laid away thinking about you at night? I prayed to God that we would somehow meet again and this is what I get." Not understanding a word he said, she just shook her head in defeat.

Maybe all those prayers didn't go to God. Maybe he just thought it was God but it was actually the devil leaning in closely, convincing him that this would be a good idea. All those red flags he ignored and he just jumped on a plane all the way to America. He defending her against Namjoon's criticism, fought for her, and this is how his efforts were being repaid?

So yes, It had to be the devil who had did this to him. He suddenly imagined a tiny little red man sitting on Kendra's shoulders, taunting him. "Gotcha!" It teased which made him tense up with anger. Standing to his feet he walked away, being sure to grab his phone, went to the guest room and picking up all his belongings, stuffing them into his luggage. He didn't care about organizing things he just knew he needed to get out of this house.

Unlocking his phone he scrolled down to Namjoon's number and called him. The phone rang many times before he picked up. "Jungkook?" Without any hesitation Jungkook broke into a fit of tears again. "I need you to come get me from Kendra's house. I'll send for a jet to come get us tonight—maybe even sooner than that. We're leaving early."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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