Chapter 1

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Kaneki stared at Yamori's body lying on the ground. "That was too easy..."

He heard Touka's voice in a distance. "Touka-chan?" He shouted.

"! neki! Kaneki!" Touka shouted. Her voice was getting louder and louder which means she was nearing where he is.

Kaneki swiftly ran to where her voice came from while shouting her name repeatedly.

"Kaneki!!" And there she was with tears in her eyes, running towards him.

Kaneki turned around and smiled with his arms open. She then jumped into his arms. Kaneki's embrace was strong yet gentle.

She buried her face into his chest and tears started flowing down her cheeks. She sobbed for a while then decided to stop and wiped her tears.

"Kaneki, are you alright?" She looked up at him and gasped. "What did they do to you? Your hair is white and your nails are black..."

"Nothing serious. Let's go back to Anteiku, Touka-chan." Kaneki smiled.

-Back at Anteiku-

Uta, Tsukiyama, Yomo, Yoshimura, Nishiki, Irimi, Koma, Hinami and Touka are all there.


"I'm glad to see that you're fine, Kaneki-kun." Uta said, breaking the silence.

"CALMATO!!! Kaneki-kun, I'm LIETO to see that you're well." **LIETO means happy.**

"Ken, welcome back." Yomo said quietly.

The rest just said, "Welcome back to Anteiku, Kaneki!"

"Everyone I deeply appreciate that all of you risked your lives to save me. I really do. I owe all of you my lives. Thank you very much." Kaneki bows.

"Don't say that Onii-chan! Everyone loves you that's why!" Hinami said.

"Haha thank you, Hinami-chan." He pats Hinami's head.

"I also would like to thank everyone here for their help. Thank you very much. Alright everyone it's late, you all should get back home." Yoshimura announced.

After everyone leaves, Yoshimura turned to Kaneki. "Kaneki-kun, I'm glad you're okay. I will give you a break, you can come back whenever you're ready. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes manager. Thank you very much. I'll be heading home now. Have a good night."

"Good night."

Manager then phoned Touka after Kaneki leaves.

"Touka-chan, may I ask you to take care of Kaneki-kun? He have gone through many things and I'm sure it's very tough on him. Do support him anytime you can."

"I will manager. Good night." Touka replied before putting down the phone.

"Kaneki huh..." She talked to herself.

- Later that night (3am) -

"Sen hiku nana!!!" Kaneki shouted while his eyes spring open in fright. He woke up with a body full of sweat. Recalling his nightmare, he scrambled to look at his fingernails and toenails. He then sighed, relieved that they were still there.

What a nightmare...

"Touka-chan... Hide... Hinami-chan... What if this happens to them? I have to become stronger. I have to protect them..." He then laid back down to sleep.

For the rest of the night, he kept waking up to the same nightmare and constantly checked his nails whether they were there.

His nightmares continued for a week so he decided to visit Anteiku for a change.

-Kaneki goes to Anteiku-

"Can I talk to you for a moment, Manager?"

"Sure come in Kaneki-kun."

-They go into the staff room-

"I've been having nightmares this past week so I wanted to know if you know any good ways to sleep. Or maybe on what should I eat or drink before sleeping."

"How about trying Lemon Balm Tea? You can get the lemon balm from the supermarket and just mix them with water. It helps to lower your anxiety to a certain degree and helps you to sleep as well. Maybe you could also try coming to work for a change? It could help you take your mind off of things for a while."

"Okay thank you manager. I'll try the tea for a few days then come in for work after that."

"Yes anytime when you're ready."

-Touka spots Kaneki walking out of the shop and runs up to him-

"Kaneki!" She called out.

He walked past Touka without noticing her. It seemed like he was deep in thought.

A vein popped in Touka's forehead.

"Why'd you ignore me huh?!" She hit his head.

"Ouch!" He turned around and placed his hand on his head.

"Oh, it's you Touka-chan. Good morning.."

"What's wrong with you? Your eyes look dead as hell." Said Touka, staring at his bloodshot eyes and eye bags.

"Nothing, I just rubbed my eyes too hard is all." He touched his chin while saying that.

She raised her eyebrows. Liar. She then took out a box of lavender aroma candles from her bag. It contained 12 candles. She passed him the box. "I'll give this box to you. Light 1 candle every night and you should be able to sleep better."

Eh? But I didn't tell her I had problems sleeping at night. How did she know?

"And I know it's not in my character to say this but I'm there if you need me. Or anyone else. So don't be scared to ask for help."

"Thanks Touka-chan." He smiled weakly and went back.


Okay. FYI, Touka knew he was lying because Hide once told her that when Kaneki is feeling uncomfortable or is lying, he touches his chin.

How did you guys find this story? I hope it's okay. I admit it's a little hard to write but i'll try my best! Do leave feedback thanks! :)

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