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Y/n wandered aimlessly through the darkened street. She didn't have anywhere to go and she had a little amount of money. She lowered her head from the path ahead of her to count the money in her hands.

"This should be enough to get at least one night at a hotel somewhere.." she muttered to herself until she bumped into something or someone. They weren't much shorter than her waist and stumbled back. Y/n glanced down to see a little girl looking up at her with eyes of curiosity.

"Hey, are you lost?"

The little girl nodded her head and Y/n knelt down to match her height.

"Me, too." She cheered with a smile and held out her hand. "Who are you looking for?"

The little girl held her hand and her face lit up since she wasn't the only one that was lost. "My big brother and sister. We were supposed to watch the fireworks. How'd you get lost?" She asked innocently and tilted her head.

Y/n stood up and still held her hand as they continued to walk together. "I wandered a little too far. But, I'll be alright."

"You're very pretty," the young girl said and went to innocently embrace her. It startled Y/n at first but she laughed lightly before picking up the little girl in her arms.

"What's your name?"


"It's nice to meet you, I'm Y/n. You have a cute name, Mana."

"Thank you!"

The sudden sound of fireworks and their bright colors drew both of their attention as they admired the show from where they were. Mana pointed at each of the different colors and shapes that would appear in the sky with a bright smile across her face. "Wow! Look Y/n, look!"

"Mana!" Y/n heard someone call in the distance. "Mana, where are you!"

Y/n turned towards the voices and headed in their direction. She was eventually met with a slightly older girl than the little girl in her arms with a boy who looked about Y/n's age, both looking strikingly similar to Mana.

Y/n carefully placed Mana on the ground and she ran over to her siblings. The boy who quietly scolded her had short, greyish purple hair and blue eyes. "You could have seriously been hurt. You can't just run off like that."

"But, I was with Y/n," Mana said and pointed to her. His eyes followed his sister's hand. He looked her over and went to shake her hand in gratitude.

"Thank you for watching over my sister. I hope we didn't cause you any trouble." He lowered his hands and y/n waved her hand in dismissal.

"It's fine, really. I enjoyed her company."

"I insist that we walk you home in return. It's the least we can do."

"Oh no, really it's fine!"

Especially since she didn't have a "home" for them to walk her to at all and she'd rather save herself the embarrassment of admitting it. However, somehow all three of them ended up convincing her to say 'yes' in the end.

Here they were. Walking down the street and the two younger girls were happily holding Y/n's hands. She may as well as been sweating bullets as she stared at the houses they passed and tried to decide which one she should stop at. 

"Do you really live over here?" The boy who she learned was named Mitsuya asked her with an arched brow. 

Y/n nodded and stopped in front of a house. "In fact, I live right here. Thank you for your kindness." She said before bowing politely. Luna, the older sister, pointed at the house. "Are you sure, Big Sis? This is our house."

After that statement, it was painfully silent as each of the siblings eyes locked onto Y/n for an explantion. "You don't say?" Y/n choked out awkwardly and pointed to the house next door. "I must have mistaken it for this house. I'm just so tired tonight.."

"So you must be related to the Madoka family?" Mitsuya suggested with an understanding smile.

"Yes, yes! I just moved here so-"

"There is no Madoka family next door. In fact, the couple that lived there moved out not too long ago," Mitsuya corrected with a sly smile and stared at Y/n, awaiting to catch her in another lie.

'Just my fucking luck. Why is the world against me today?' she thought to herself. 

The young girls looked between the two of them in confusion. "Mana, Luna, go wait inside with Mom, alright? I've got to talk to Y/n about something important."

They hesitated before obediently going inside but made sure to say their goodbyes to Y/n. 

"Bye, Y/n!" Luna called. "Bye, bye!" Mana added and followed her sister inside.

Now it was just her and Mitsuya, standing in the cold as the breeze went past them.

"What are you actually doing around here?" Mitsuya pressed and clearly assumed she held the worst of intentions.

"I'm not trying to cause trouble, honest." Y/n went to put her hands up and he noticed the matching tattoos on her palms.

"Crime and punishment," he read aloud and repeated it in his mind. 'Crime and Punishment?'

"Look, I just didn't want to admit that I didn't have a place to stay. I'll just be on my way."

Mitsuya put himself at ease and reached out his hand to her. "You can stay here tonight since it's so late and I can even ask a friend if they have a place for you to stay until you got a place."

"It's really not that big an issue. I can find somewhere else-"

"I'm not to going to leave a girl by herself, late at night, alone, when I know I could've done something about it."

"I'm not helpless."

"I'm sure you're not but let's say that someone tries to do something like this-" He quickly lunged forward to grab her but Y/n swiftly moved out the way and pulled his arm forward before pinning his arms behind his back.

"Like I said. Not helpless, but I'll take the help since I feel bad for showing you up."

Y/n released his arms from where they were held and he stumbled forward. "I like you," he said with approval and grinned at her.

"Thanks. I get that a lot," Y/n smiled in return from the friendly atmosphere that radiated off the boy which was a change that she needed after everything that had occurred. 

"You have a cigarette, by any chance?" Y/n asked. 

Now that Y/n's face was illuminated by the light, Mitsuya could see the mascara that smeared down her cheeks which meant she'd been crying recently. She rubbed her arms from how crisp and cold the air was since it'd been so late at night. "We should probably get inside first. I'll look to see if a friend left anything."

"You're kind," Y/n muttered with softened eyes while looking at him.

"I couldn't hear you?"


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