PART 12.

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JULY 2005

Most started to rush out of the warehouse at the sound of the sirens and others stood in shock when their eyes laid upon Osanai's limp body with a knife in his back.

Nobody was sure how to react as the police got closer to the scene.

"Sorry, Mikey." Pah just kept his eyes focused on the ground. "Peh-yan, look after the 3rd division for me. I'm gonna turn myself in."

Pah finally glanced up at them with tears filling his eyes.

"Screw that!" Mikey shouted but Draken dragged him out by force as he struggled to go back to Pah. "Pah! Come with us!"

"Mikey, let's go! We're all gonna get caught!" Draken tried to reason with him as he ran out with Mikey in his arm.

Takemichi looked back one final time before he too went to follow after the rest of them. However, Y/n found herself conflicted about leaving him behind. Pah was a good person and it wasn't as if Osanai didn't deserve it after everything he's done.

"You should hurry too, Y/n or you'll get wrapped up with me. I already owe you."

"No Pah, you don't owe me anything. Come on, just leave with us. Osanai deserved it anyways."

He turned around to meet her eyes. "You know, regardless of what that guy said about you, you are good people. You're one of us now Y/n and I couldn't forgive myself if you stayed behind with me. So, go and make sure nobody else repeats my mistakes."



She did as she was told and didn't look back behind her. Y/n ran as fast as she could and as far as her legs would take her. Some policemen chased behind her and shouted for her to stop but she continued. Y/n tried to take the most complicated route she could as she jumped numerous fences and crossed multiple streets. That was until she came upon Emma and an unconscious Takemichi on the ground. He was passed out cold and Emma seemed completely frantic from everything that was unfolding.


"Y/n! Draken called me and I came to find that he fainted and they're fighting with each other and everything is falling apart. Pah just got arrested and.." she rambled nervously and Y/n went down beside her.

"Slow down. Let's get him to a hospital first."



Takemichi placed his complete focus on the puzzle in front of him. The final piece between his fingers as he carefully scanned for the final place to put the single piece.

Toman had split  in two and the internal conflict that he had feared would occur was seeming to be on its way. And if everything continued like it was going, Draken is going to die on August 3rd.

Of course, he would have been working hard to change this future if he was allowed to leave his house but, Takemichi was bedridden and instead finished a 2,500 piece puzzle.

"This is too painful to even watch," Y/n commented from the entrance of his room. In hand she'd brought some small snacks and things she'd picked up from the convenience store.

"How do you know where I live?"

"I know a lot about you. I mean I was trying to kill you in the future but, you already knew that."

She placed the plastic bag on the floor and let herself fall back onto the spinning chair at his desk. Takemichi mouth dropped in surprise and a million questions went through his head. Y/n could tell he was trying to piece together how she knew. At the same time he appeared fearful being in an enclosed space with her while his hands subconsciously protected his crotch. Y/n prevented her laughter before putting on a more serious front and crossed one of her legs over the other.

"How do you know so much about the future?" Takemichi questioned.

"I just do."

"Are you involved with Kisaki?"

"Yes, I was. I'm trying to separate myself from him."

"How do I know you're not trying to trick me?"

"You don't. Just trust that what I'm getting out of helping you is worth a lot more than my loyalty to Kisaki."

"And Akkun?"

"I did have a hand in that."

"The death of Draken?"

"That too."

"You're a terrible person, Y/n..."

"I know that and asking you to trust me after everything I've done is selfish. But Takemichi, I'm desperate and if need be I'm willing to put my life on the line to prove it."

Takemichi sat there in thought and tried to read her intentions off of her poker face though it was only in vain. He couldn't predict what she was thinking or what her next move was going to be.

"What do you get out of this?"

"Change my future. That's all I ask."


"Takemichi.You have the ability to change and shape the future as well as actively change the past. I know it's a lot of weight to carry on your shoulders alone."

"It is but--"

The sound of the door opening behind them caused their attention to be shifted on the people entering. Four boys entered the room and one in particular caught Y/n's eye.

"Sendo," she mumbled to herself.

"What? You're already out of the hospital?" Kazushi questioned.

"How are we supposed to talk to hot nurses now?" Makoto added.

Takuya just held up a plastic bag with a smile. Kazushi and Makoto's eyes quickly shifted onto Y/n who sat cross-legged in the chair beside the desk completely ignoring the presence of the two. They quietly swooned to one another at each of her slightest movements since she seemed to be some kind of goddess in their eyes.

"Dude, why didn't you tell us about the babe you met.." Kazushi whispered to Takemichi not so discreetly in the small bedroom and Y/n turned to her head to them, being practically forced to acknowledge their presence.

She definitely wasn't in the mood for wherever this conversation was headed.

Y/n was going to kill Takemichi herself once she got the chance after he left her alone with the two younger teens like some kind of party favor while he conversated with Akkun and Takuya. She listened in while she smiled and nodded at the obnoxious boys in front of her.

"Did you find anything out about Mikey-kun or Draken-kun?"

"Huh? Oh, sorta.." Akkun stammered nervously. Takemichi then turned to Takuya but he avoided eye contact from him.

"So things are bad?" He stated and they continued to talk amongst eachother.

The two boys in front of Y/n also rambled and a vein threatened to pop out of her head if she didn't face them sooner than later. She gave them her signature sweet smile and talked them over to viewing Takemichi's hard worked puzzle on the table. They curiously stared at it and went to poke at it since they wanted to move one of the pieces.

"I'm sure Takemichi wouldn't mind you taking a look," she said and guided their hands towards the motorcycle image.

Once the blonde noticed his eyes dilatated and  began to panic as they neared his precious masterpiece that he'd spent so much of life on. "Don't touch that! It took me three days to finish!" he shouted loudly at them and the group backed off from the image. A sense of overwhelming pity overcame the three while they stared at the simple puzzle with such miniature pieces and wondered how bored someone must be to finish such a time consuming project.

"What was I supposed to do? I was told to stay in bed," Takemichi reasoned at the three and they still eyed the puzzle with disbelief.

"What a dork," Y/n blurted and the other two turned to her. She realized the words that slipped past her lips and quickly moved a hand to cover her mouth. "Was that my outside voice?" She asked herself quietly.

a/n: ignore me filling in a plot hole because takemichi isn't supposed to know all that information yet :))

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