PART 23.

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AUGUST, 2005

"You should leave before this goes any farther than in needs to," Mitsuya warned Shuji kindly as he went step in front of his younger sister and beside Y/n. Shuji simply brushed him off and faced his sister. He chuckled a bit when looking at her with a arrogant grin. 

"You answer to him now, sis?"

"Just stay the fuck away from here and enjoy your new found freedom. It's what you always wanted, right?"

For once, Shuji's grin faltered slightly. "You know I didn't mean what I said. You're not someone to go back on their promises."

Y/n looked him over with disappointment as her eyes began to gloss over. "I never believed you were someone to trade me out for a quick thrill so, I guess we were both wrong. And as for what you said to me," she paused to swallow hard and take a breath of air. "I don't think there's an apology in the world that could make up for it. You said that knowing that--that I..." she placed a hand on her arm with a tight grip to comfort herself. Y/n refused to show any weakness towards her brother, any tears, any regret that she felt was buried down deeper each time it tried to escape her. 

"Leave, please," was all she let herself say without breaking down and turned her back towards him to go inside. She went to pass Mitsuya and Mana with a gesture to go inside too.


"Just leave him. He won't bother your family anymore, I guarantee it."

The three entered the house without a single one turning their backs except Mana who's curiosity got the best of her to see Shuji's face one last time before he left. His expression wasn't that of pain and especially wasn't content but, it appeared as if he hadn't yet processed how he should feel just yet. Shuji had just lost his only family and was ultimately on his own. 

Mana waved as she was pulled inside by Mitsuya. He felt his arm reach out for another young girl who came to his mind, Y/n. After years of holding her hand, she was the one who finally let go. 

Not him. 

It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Y/n had a whole new life, one he isn't a part of. How was it that the one who was always steps ahead of the other ended up being the one that was left behind. 

"Shit," Shuji scoffed to himself as he turned to walk down the street. "I guess life is cruel like that, huh?"


Y/n held her head down with her hands covering her ears block out any disturbances to her thoughts. Her memories were scattered and patchy. She didn't have any sense of time. 

Why was she wearing these clothes? She didn't come in them. What was in her hair? Glitter?

Mitsuya attempted to approach her carefully as not to startle her however, Y/n was already on guard around him and jumped up for her seat to create space between them. Her eyes landed on him and went wide with what he recognized as realization. 

"Did you drug me?"

"Y/n, let me explain this."

"Oh my god. Oh my god," Y/n started to repeat while hyperventilating in fear.

"I didn't drug you, but trust me I can explain everything your feeling. Breath, Y/n."

Y/n couldn't prevent herself from slumping down on the floor from the weakness she felt overcome her entire body. She was scared, scared to the point she couldn't think straight. 

Mitsuya stepped back to give her space and told Mana to wait for them in her room. When he came back over, Y/n was trying to catch her breath as her heart seemed to beat in her head. 

"Don't come any closer to me!" Y/n shouted at Mitsuya in fear that he was trying to harm her.

"I know you're scared, but I'm not trying to hurt you."

Y/n began holding her chest and pulling her knees into her chest. "Mitsuya, I can't breathe. I can't breathe!" She started to panic through her constant breaths of air. 

"What do you see around the room, Y/n?"

"I don't know...I see a stuffed animal," she answered hesitantly between breaths.

"What kind of animal is it?"

"A bunny.." Y/n answered while still holding her chest.

"It's really cute, right?"

"Yeah, really cute," Y/n chuckled a bit but still struggled with her breathing a bit.

"I made it myself, you know," Mitsuya bragged a bit with a playful voice to take her mind off her breathing.

"Really? You can sew that well?"

"Don't sound so surprised. I'm almost offended," he teased. 

Y/n began to regain her focus as the conversation continued and Mitsuya guided her through a small breathing exercise before she finally felt like herself again. He held his hand out to her and Y/n buried her face in her hands. "I'm so fucking embarrassed. If only I had my cigarettes on me."

"You had a panic attack, nothing embarrassing about that. I mean you are in some stranger's house, confused, and on top of that I'm asking you to trust me."

Y/n took his hand and he pulled her up on her feet. An envelope was opened on the table which she realized was signed by no one other than herself. "What's this?"

"A letter from your future self," he said in all seriousness and Y/n busted out into laughter. When she realized he wasn't laughing and was completely serious, she appeared very confused.

Mitsuya explained how she was a time traveler who came back to the past to fix something, not going into much detail about what exactly. She thanked Mitsuya for his kindness towards her and apologized for leaving so suddenly while leaving her past self in his hands. Y/n was almost in disbelief of what she was being told. Like it was some sick joke that was being pulled. Though, something in her just persuaded her to except it all as truth. 

"This is a letter she left for you," he said and handed her a small envelope with her name written neatly on the back.

'To my past self,

I'm sure that you're still a bit confused after my explanation about everything, but knowing you take after me, you'll be just fine. You're smarter than you give yourself credit for so, trust your instincts. Mitsuya's a good person and he's pretty cute, right?'  Y/n choked a bit and Mitsuya was a bit worried though she insisted she was fine. 'He's probably worried right now cause you did something embarrassing after reading that, didn't you? Younger me, you are my pride and joy without me even having to meet you. It's around your age when some of the biggest things happen in your life. You may lose people and have make really hard decisions, but just promise me you won't lose that life inside of you. Watch over Shuji for me, too. I recognized that the two of you parted ways in your timeline. I know you love him just as much as I do so let him do anything he'll regret, that's all I'm asking. 

Sincerely, future you

p.s. Stop smoking. It makes you age faster.'

Y/n laughed a bit before she folded the letter back into the envelope. "I like her," she said under her breath. 

Naturally, the Y/n of the future had asked him to leave out a few parts about the past. Like Kisaki, for example. She had asked him to keep the present Y/n as far away from him and his plans as possible. 

"You have any cigarettes?" Y/n asked.

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