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July 2005

"I want out of this fucking gang," y/n announced and stood in front of Kisaki as well as her brother. 

"Come on, sis. Don't be a flake."

"Do you know what this gang did to that poor girl and a family. I'm not going to be associated with people who don't have basic morals. Chess piece or not."

It wasn't uncommon for Y/n to lash out against Kisaki since she and her brother joined his gang. She was against almost everything their gang represented once she learned more about it and over time she'd become fed up with how Kisaki overlooked his gang's behavior. 

Kisaki just sat there in silence and didn't even acknowledge her. Out of frustration she grabbed him by the collar and forced him to look at her. 

"Are you that callous?"

"If you don't plan to follow my orders, then leave," was all he said to her and never planned to fight her back. 

Y/n swung her arm back to hit him and landed one hit on his face before her brother grabbed her hand. His strength overwhelmed her own as she struggled to push her arm past him. 

"Stop, Y/n." His voice was low and threatening. She froze obediently and dropped Kisaki onto the ground. "Why do you always have to ruin my fun?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She forced a laugh in disbelief and faced her brother. "Shuuji, they raped a girl and hurt innocent people. What if that had been me?"

"Then I would have beat their ass. But it wasn't, so what does it matter?"

"What does it matter?" she repeated softly. "What does it matter?!" she shouted at him and punched him in the face without hesitation. "This isn't a fucking game. We're leaving, Shuuji."

He held his face where it bruised and punched her back in the face. "I'm not going anywhere."

Y/n swiped her thumb over her lip and noticed some blood smeared on her finger. The two of them sparred often. Tried to kill each other once or maybe even more. Yet, this time it was different. Never before had one of them wanted to separate from the other willingly. 

"You're going to choose him over me?"

"It's not just him. This is finally my chance to rid myself of you. You're always dulling my fun, sis. You are suffocating. We were bound to separate some day."

Her tears threatened to fall, right then and there. Her twin, her best friend, was revealing that he felt suffocated near her. Worst part being that he planned to ditch her this whole time, now he just had an actual reason to do so. 

"This the part where you apologize."

Shuuji broke out into a small fit of laughter and came over to Y/n. He looked directly into her eyes and said, "I apologize, for putting up with you for so fucking long."

Her eyes grew incredibly wide. Her eyes flickered over to Kisaki and he appeared to be having the time of his life with a shit-eating grin clear on his features. 

"Fine. Don't come crawling back to me crying 'sister' when you're thrown out and alone. Cause trust me brother, this isn't going to last."

Y/n warned bitterly and left her twin behind. She let herself get a fair distance away until she allowed the tears to flow down her cheeks. Y/n had been on her own plenty of times before since Shuuji would leave for days at a time when they were younger and wanted to hide his gang life from her. However, she'd hate being alone every time he left and practically begged him to let her go with him. 

She laughed pitifully and gazed down at her tattooed palms. "No wonder he thought I was a  nuisance."


Kisaki flexed his jaw and felt along his sore face where she'd previously hit him. He'd never admit it, but it hurt like hell. Y/n definitely hit him harder than he was prepared for but the pain seemed only minor from the adrenaline rushing through his veins from what occurred. He was about to speak before Shuuji interrupted him. 

"She'll be back. She always does this," He explain in annoyance and his eyes went to focus on the back of his tattooed hand. "Shit, I shouldn't have said that to her," he muttered to himself and clenched his fist. 

"How have you gotten anywhere when you constantly put up with her," Kisaki taunted and Shuuji snapped his head back to glare at him as if to warn him to tread carefully on his next words. Kisaki grinned and playfully put his hands up in defense. 

"She always pulls through. Regardless of what she says, she'll stay loyal. Y/n's a person of her word."

Kisaki arched a brow at Shuuji's absolute trust in his sister after everything that occurred. He'd previously been fully prepared to rid himself of her but now, he was curious of how far the bond between siblings would take him. 

They were his new experiment. 

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