PART 22.

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AUGUST, 2017

Papers were scattered all across the table as Y/n continuously clicked a pen under her finger to help her think. After a few moments, she would write something down and then repeat the process of clicking. Occasionally, her eyes would glance over at the phone but, she could never bring herself to pick it up. 

"What are you doing?" Shuji finally asked from impatience of watching his sister indirectly irritate him for the past few minutes. 


"For what?"

"You don't always ask all these questions." Y/n waved her hand in dismissal and went back to her thoughts. "Go back to not caring and working as Kisaki's little dog," she said nonchalantly while trying to regain her focus. 

"I'm not his dog. I'm--"

"His partner, right hand man, whatever." Y/n turned to meet her brother's eyes and put her hand up to her ear with an exaggerated smile. "You hear that? I think he's calling you right now," she suggested sarcastically which earned a slight bitter chuckle from Shuji.

He got up to leave and glanced over to his sister just before he left to say, "Don't get us killed."

Y/n nodded her head in acknowledgment and once he finally left she collected the papers in front of her. She hastily put them away into a folder and headed out to put her new plan into action. 

She had been actually been going through Shuji's documents to find out more detail about the job he had to carry out that night. Unfortunately, the only discovery she was able to uncover was that her brother never kept paper receipts after his crimes. Most likely, advice given to him by Kisaki. 

Y/n settled on the second best option which was to find Takemichi and not only get his help but continue her mission to help him to put an end to Kisaki for good. She was so sick of his rules, his arrogance, his sheer amount of power he had over everyone who set foot in Tokyo. The feeling of him constantly breathing down their necks. Being back in the present only fueled her absolute hatred for it. 

Y/n was able to identify a detective who Takemichi was partnering with in the present, going by the name of Naoto Tachibana. The name wasn't actually that foreign being that he was a member of the organized crime unit. She was tasked to clean up after messes left behind by lower Toman members or unfinished business that could give Naoto any kind of lead on them.

Could it be anymore ironic that she now voluntarily stood in his office?

Y/n placed the file in her hand on what appeared to be Naoto's main desk and carefully ran her gloved finger across the edge of his desk. She lifted her finger expecting some dust to linger but, there surprisingly wasn't a speck. 

"A neat freak. Which means I'm probably dealing with a rule follower. Then, meaning he probably won't want to negotiate or talk upon seeing me here." Y/n sighed and put a hand on her hip. "This will be difficult."

She turned to see various strings connecting photos of different Toman members together in some kind of pattern. Y/n spotted a picture of herself and reached out her hand towards it. 

"Don't move." 

Y/n felt something cold at the back of her head. A gun. 

"You should be careful with that thing, detective. You might hurt someone," she teased with a lighthearted tone in her voice. 

"Depending on the person, that just might be my goal. Y/n Hanma."

"Oh my, are you a secret admirer?" Y/n said playfully and suddenly she felt herself being turned around with one hand firmly holding her shoulder while another still held the gun her way. 

"My sister's already dead. What more do you want from me?" It was obvious that Naoto was trying to keep his composure and restrain himself from doing something he knew he would regret.

"I'm sorry?" Y/n asked in confusion.

"My sister, you helped them kill her, didn't you? Kisaki and all the rest of Toman when I was so close to finally saving her."

"Do yourself a favor and skip a stage of grief. There's nothing you could have done for your sister against Kisaki. In fact, I don't even know who your sister-"

"Hinata Tachibana."


"A few nights ago in a 'bizarre accident'. Except it wasn't an accident, was it?"

Y/n felt pressured to meet his eyes and stared into them with pure ignorance. "I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't even know that Hina had passed...especially not at the hands of Kisaki."

"Don't address her so familiarly. You were no friend to my sister."

"Do not speak about me as if you know who I am past a name on your wanted list," Y/n argued with offense in her voice and the gravity of her situation by having a gun held to her, long left her mind. 

"Then you're telling me you weren't in that parking lot the other night and this isn't a picture of you standing, watching my sister perish in that car?!" Naoto snatched a photo off the wall and slammed it on a desk near them both. The picture was slightly blurred from the smoke but, if you knew who you were looking at, the photo was clearly taken of Y/n and Shuji. The tattoos on their hands gave them away. 

"That was the job. She was the one who.." Y/n placed a hand over her mouth in horror of her realization. 

'Just a girl in the wrong place at the right time.'

"I didn't know. I didn't know it was her in the car." Y/n slowly stepped over and ran her fingers over the photo. "If I'd known I would've--I would've tried to save her. I know I would have." She the looked over the webbed photos, linked together by string and in the center was a picture of Kisaki. Y/n placed her finger between his eyes in the photo and tilted her head while staring at it. "I have to tell Takemichi that stopping him won't be enough. If he killed the one person I thought would never come to harm then I guess," her voice trailed off. 

"You're going to give up?" Naoto snapped at her. 

"I'm going to kill him," she stated and dragged her finger down to her brother's photo. 

When Y/n really put it into perspective, what had Shuji ever done for her? What had he done except lie, use, and place her life on the line? 

"Maybe I'll even get his dog too while I'm at it."

AUGUST, 2005

"Why are you here?" Y/n questioned hastily when she realized her brother was standing in front of her and snatched her hand away from his grasp. "How did you find me?"

"Trust me, I didn't come here willingly. In fact, I don't even know why I'm here. What is this fucking place, anyway?" Shuji asked and chuckled a bit as his sister seemed prepared to fight him if necessary.  

The door creaked a bit since it was pulled open and closed heavily behind whoever came outside. Y/n's head snapped back to see the young girl she'd met on the night of fireworks. 


"No! Don't go, Big Sis!" The little girl ran outside into Y/n's back and held onto the fabric of her shirt. "Mitsuya, Luna, and me are gonna miss you!"

Y/n didn't understand how the young girl had grown so attached after only a single night. They hadn't known each other that long to begin with. Surely she was just being dramatic since she was so young. Y/n felt like she was missing something important but, just couldn't bring it to mind.

"Who's the little girl? Don't tell me she's yours?" Shuji joked and stared down at Mana just to scare a bit which he did successfully since she hid behind Y/n.

"How about you stay out of my business. I told you not to come crawling back to me." Y/n went shield Mana from him with her arms. They both continued to argue until someone else came outside the door. "Mitsuya."

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