PART 13.

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AUGUST, 2005

"Damn it's hot in this room. Is it because there's a bunch of dudes in here?" Draken announced upon entering the room and everyone seemed to stand a bit straighter from his presence. He scanned the room by turning his head to look around and noticed someone standing behind him. 

"That must be it," Y/n teased and Draken gave her a wide grin in return. 

"You're here too, huh. How are you holding up?"

"I'm just fine. I wasn't the one who took the beating, now was I?"

Draken chuckled and held up a watermelon in front of him. "I guess you're right. Speak of, I bought a watermelon for Takemichi. Let's eat."

"Y-Yes sir!" All the guys chanted in unison. 

Y/n came in behind Draken and sat on the ground with her brows furrowed in concern. "Why are you guys all scared stiff? What happened for the short time I left the room?"

"Nothing!" They all chanted again in front of Draken and he let out a low laugh again at their antics. Y/n titled her head in confusion but decided not to press the subject after shrugging her shoulders. 

The atmosphere was fairly light and comfortable as they all enjoyed the watermelon. It was a distraction from the heavy conflict that occurred lately and the questions that lingered in everyone's mind. 

What was going to happen to Toman? Was Draken and Mikey's argument really as insignificant as they want to believe?

The first one to speak about the recent events unsurprisingly was Draken. "So Pah's going to be in the slammer for at least a year."

"How's Osanai from Moebius?" Takemichi asked hesitantly. 

Draken raised his glass and casted his eyes to the side. "He's alive. If he died, Pah would be in jail until he was an adult."

That was a breath of relief so Takemichi decided to test deeper waters by asking the pressing question. 

"How's Mikey?" he asked with a smile and immediately the mood shifted when Draken threw down his fist onto the table nearest to him. 

Unfortunately, Takemichi's puzzle was the victim of his rage. 

"That asshole!"

Takemichi cried out at the lost of his hard work and Draken nonchalantly apologized when he realized his hand landed on the puzzle. 

"My last 72  hours just went down the drain!" Takemichi sobbed dramatically and fell down on his knees in defeat with tears flooding down his face. 

"And I friggin' apologized!" Draken emphasized in a low tone that caused Takemichi to cease his crying out of fear of his wrath. Y/n stifled a laugh by placing her fingers over her lips. 

"Right, got it. I just spent the last 72 hours finishing this without sleeping, that's all..." He strained out and gazed down longingly at his partially destroyed puzzle. 

"Anyway, I'm done with Mikey." Draken's expression darkened once he stood up from the floor. "Toman's finished."

"Wh-What are you talking about? Finished?" Takemichi asked worriedly and followed him as he went to exit the room. 

Y/n's lips downturned to a frown upon hearing the news and she herself stood up to follow Draken. "You can't be serious? It can't be finished after all of this!"

The two of them rushed down the steps and hovered over Draken while he put on his boots to leave. "What do you mean, Toman's finished? Tell me what's going on!" 

"Yeah! Talk it out or something!" Y/n added frantically. 

Then, the situation took a turn for the worst. Mikey was standing outside of Takemichi's home and it appeared he'd just arrived to visit him. When his eyes became fixed on Draken, he immediately was annoyed by his appearance. "Huh? The hell are you doing here?"

"What? What the hell are you doin' here?"

"I came to see how Takemitchy is doing."

"Well, so did I."

"Huh? Takemitchy's my friend," Mikey corrected and Draken continued to glare at him. "Who asked you to butt in? Right, Takemitchy?"

"Huh?! I, uh..." Takemichi choked out.

"What the hell are you talkin' about? You're my friend, aren't you, Takemitchy?"

Y/n went to back away from them and attempted to pull back Takemichi with her. "We should not get involved with this," she whispered to him. 

"Out of my way, beanpole. I can't get by," Mikey insulted. 

"What? You get outta my way, shrimpy," Draken fired back. 

Takemichi swallowed hard as he sweated bullets and gave a side glance to Y/n in attempt to tell her he could handle them. "W-Wait a sec! Wait a damn second, you two!"

The two blondes turned with furious expressions on their faces and Y/n went to step behind Takemichi. "Y/n, a little back up?" he whimpered quietly.

"You are so on you're own with this," she muttered for only him to hear from behind. 

Takemichi kept a brave front and stood between the two of them with his hands raised. "I don't know what happened, but fighting's bad! Both of you, calm down!"

Draken didn't hesitate to lift Takemichi by the collar of his shirt and lowered his head to meet his eyes. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

Takemichi shut his eyes tight and Y/n figured she should at least try to intervene before it got too violent. However, before she could say much to Draken, a bright green bicycle was flung right past her face. 

"That's my precious Hayate! My memories," Takemichi screeched in horror. 

"Are you friggin' serious?" Draken shouted and picked up a bat. 

"Draken-kun! That's the golden bat I used to hit my first home run in the 4th grade!"

In a split second, Draken split the bat on his knee out of anger causing Takemichi to have  tears streaming down his face. One after another, his things were thrown in every direction by Mikey and Draken as they fought. He protested against but, after a while it was obvious that it was futile. 

Takemichi's frustration started to build up little by little until he finally snapped and his fists tightened at his sides. 

"You assholes..." he said while gritting his teeth. 

"I was almost hit by a bike..." Y/n mumbled to herself as she held her face in shock. 

a/n: sorry for the long wait! i went a trip for a while and didn't bring my laptop but, i'm back:)

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