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July 2005

"Why are we at some underground fight? It seems like we missed all the action, anyways."

"On the contrary, it's only just started," Kisaki answered with his eyes focused on the scene below where the fighters and audience of delinquent alike stood frozen in pure shock of the two blondes standing before them. One of them was significantly smaller than the other and his hair was shoulder length with some of his hair tied out of his face in the back. The other was very tall, had a braid down his back with his head completely shaved on the sides and a dragon tattoo on his temple. 

"Manjirou Sano. Most people refer to him as 'Mikey'," Kisaki explained and pointed towards the smaller blonde as he walked away from the body lying on the floor without a care. "Ken Ryuguji or 'Draken'." He then pointed to the taller blonde who trailed behind him. "Commit the names and faces to memory."

"You got it, boss~" Shuuji sang and grinned as his eyes followed Mikey. On the other hand, Y/n arched her brow in suspicion while looking at the two of them before her eyes drifted to another kid who sat on the ground and appeared to be beaten to a pulp. His nose was bloody and busted while bruises decorated his face. 

"What about, him? He seems important," Y/n suggested before pointing to Takemichi, causing Kisaki to roughly snatch her wrist tightly in his hand. 

"Don't ask about anything more than I tell you."

Kisaki eventually released her wrist and Y/n immediately pulled it back towards her when given the chance. She rubbed the faint bruise and Shuuji glanced over at his sister with slight concern. Y/n waved her hand in dismissal and her brother accepted that she was alright before nodding his head towards Kisaki. 

"Sorry, Kisaki." She muttered with spite in her voice but Kisaki didn't bother saying anything about it. 

The three of them waited until everyone had left the area and only the person named Kiyomasa who had previously run the underground matches was left alone on the ground. He was battered and beaten just the same as Takemichi if not worse. Kisaki didn't explain why it'd be so important for them to wait for Kiyomasa to be alone, but neither of them were going to question him. 

Y/n headed down the large cement staircase first with Kisaki and Shuuji following behind her. She halted just at the end of the steps and waiting for the other two to catch up before doing anything. Kisaki simply stared at the body as he laid on the ground pitifully and Y/n tilted her head while looking at Kiyomasa. 

"Is he dead?"

"Maybe," Shuuji answered and tilted his head in the same manner. 

"He's not dead," Kisaki deadpanned. He placed his hand on Y/n's head and moved her forward towards Kiyomasa. "Go on and do what you do best."

"You have no idea what I'm best at."

"You have no idea how much I know about the two of you," Kisaki corrected and Y/n couldn't help but feel a bit impressed as well as intimidated by him. 

The young girl walked forward and crouched down beside Kiyomasa while holding her skirt under her. She smiled kindly before placing a hand gently on his swollen face and his eyes shot open but it was rather hard to tell since his face was so puffy. 

"Are you alright?"

"Who the hell are you?" 

"Nobody special but you're Kiyomasa, right?" she asked sweetly and helped him get up from the ground. "My friends told me all about how cool you are. They say you're really strong and are the head of a gang!"

"It's really nothing serious," he shrugged with a smug expression and it became blatantly obvious to her that he was trying to seem like a bigger deal than he actually was. She gave a light giggle and ran her hands across his shoulders. 

"It's too bad there won't be anymore fights though. Since you know that Draken and Mikey guy put a damper on it. My friends really wanted to bet on some fights, too."

Kisaki stepped forward and draped an arm around Kiyomasa's shoulder. "That asshole, Draken. You don't like him either, do you Kiyomasa? He tore your pride to pieces. If I were you, I go as far as to kill him."

Kiyomasa's eyes widened in realization. "Imagine! If you were to do that you'd totally be an even bigger deal than him~" Y/n added and clapped her hands together in excitement. 

It was clear that they'd gotten into his head from his silence of consideration. All they had to do was plant the seed and he'd do the rest by himself. Y/n was intrigued by the way Kisaki's mind worked to get the things he wanted. He was able to get his way without getting his hands dirty and he didn't engage in anything that wasn't necessary.

Y/n admired him, more than she originally would realize. Kisaki had a way of getting into people's hearts like that.


The lights on the street were dimmed as they walked or rather one of them walked. The twins practically skipped down the street while holding hands. There wasn't any reason why they did it but, Kisaki would learn that the things the two of them did never followed a pattern.

"What are you doing?" Kisaki questioned bitterly and both of them glanced over at him. 

"Today was just exciting!" Shuuji shouted and went to sling his arm around Kisaki who seemed annoyed by the action. Y/n came beside him and sincerely thought about his question. 

"If Shuuji is excited it just makes me feel the same," she tried to reason with her finger on her chin as she thought. 

Kisaki shook Shuuji's arm off of him and halted his walking to look at the two of them with a serious expression on his face. 

"Keep this in mind. To me, you are just a tools. Once I don't see any use of you, I'll replace you both."

Shuuji and Y/n went quiet for a moment to process what he was saying before turning towards one another. Shuuji broke out into a smile and continued skipping down the path. 

"Sounds like the ideal life to me! I have this feeling that living life with you is going to be so colorful! It's like a circus!" His arms were wide as he shouted his reasoning out to the world and for once Kisaki seemed puzzled by a person's intentions. 

"The hell does that even mean, you freak?" Kisaki asked with his hands buried in his pockets and watching Shuuji act like fool in front of him. 

Y/n continued to walk beside Kisaki and didn't say much to him. 

"You're seriously going to follow him?" 

"That's just how we work. We have each other's back regardless of what it is."

Kisaki didn't completely understand since he thought such an ideal was stupid but he just sighed heavily and continued forward. As long as they were useful to him, he didn't care what they did. 

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