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"Ah, I'm sorry we couldn't clean up. Takashi didn't tell me we were to have company. You know this is the first time he's brought a girl over. At least that I've seen," she sighed.

"Mom, my friend just needs a place to stay for the night. It's fine if she crashes her, right?"

Y/n felt slightly self conscious since the clothing she was wearing would be considered rather provocative, especially in the eyes of a parent. Her mascara stained down her cheeks and she quickly tried to wipe her face the best she could. Then, she tried to furtively pull down her short skirt with her hands. 

"It's fine, honey. You are more then welcome to stay here." His mother reassured as if reading her mind. "Are you hungry?"

"Yes ma'am."

"So polite, maybe my son could learn some things from you." His mother teased and Mitsuya became flushed. She noticed her son's embarrassment and giggled while peering at him. "I was only kidding. There's no need to look so red~"

"We'll be heading to the rooms. She can sleep on the floor in my room."

He said hastily and desperate to get away from his mother's embarrassing antics. His mother only scoffed as she put on her apron.

"Yeah right, Mitsuya Takashi. She can sleep in  your sisters' or my room. I could take the couch."

"Oh no, Ms. Mitsuya I couldn't do that to you. I have no issue sleeping on the couch or wherever necessary." 

"We can conquer that obstacle when we get to it. For now, just let Mitsuya lead you around the  house. How did my son bag a nice girl like you?"

"And I'm going to lead her upstairs before you think of anything else to say. I told you already that it's not like that."

Mitsuya lead her upstairs and his mother fluttered her fingers at her playfully before winking at her. "Door, always open!" She called from the kitchen.

"It's not like that!" He called back from his room and opened his door.

"Then it shouldn't be a problem then, should it?" 

"Ignore her," he mumbled and y/n wandered the room. "She worries a lot."

"She seems amazing. You and your mother seem close."

"Yeah, our whole family is since we pretty much have to be."

He went to dig threw his drawers for some extra clothes and y/n sat down on his bed before falling back onto the mattress. She felt a weight jump on top of her and looked forward to see Mana. 

"Y/n! Are you sleeping over?" She asked while jumping in excitement. 

She sat up and placed the young girl properly in her lap. "Just for one night." She whispered sweetly and held up her finger to gesture the number. 

"You can sleep in our room," Luna suggested as she ran into the room and leaped onto the bed next to Y/n. 

"Hmm," Y/n hummed and looked up in thought dramatically making the two girls giggle. "Maybe, we can have a slumber party~" she sang. 

Something in her mouth glistened and Mana tilted her head to get a better look. "What's that?"

"What do you mean?"

"On your tongue," Luna explained and stuck out her own tongue as an example. Y/n put out her tongue and her silver piercing became perfectly visible to them. They looked in awe of the jewelry. "That's cool.."

"Right? I got it with my brother on our fifteenth birthday," her voice trailed off as the memory resurfaced and everything that had occurred earlier came washing over her. Mitsuya noticed her sudden change in mood and went to usher his sisters out the room. 

"You should let Y/n get ready before you go dragging her around the house. Go help Mom with dinner." He said and ruffled each of his sisters' heads which effectively caused them to run away from him and go downstairs. 

He leaned his shoulder on the doorframe and faced Y/n with a smile. "Fifteenth. Does that mean you're older than me?" he teased in attempt to lighten her mood. 

"Yeah, that was a while ago. Which means you should respect me~" she teased and crossed her legs before her. Y/n leaned back on her hands and tilted her head up to prevent the tears beginning to blur her sight. She took a deep breath and swallowed. 

That's when her eyes caught sight of the jacket hung in the corner of his room. 

'Tokyo Manji Gang. Toman.' She thought upon seeing the design. 

Then, she was hit with a feeling of guilt. Here she was, being helped by one of their members when she previously was associated with Moebius who did those terrible things to that girl and the family. Not only that, she had assisted to persuade someone to kill one of their members.

"Are you...crying?"

Y/n hadn't realized and placed a hand on her cheek to feel the tears fall down her skin. She was quick to wipe them away but they were coming faster than she could prevent and her tears overflowed past her hands.

"I'm sorry," Y/n chuckled. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, it won't stop." Her voice began to break into involuntary sobs as everything that built up from that night came bursting out of her. Mitsuya wasn't quite sure what the right approach was to the situation and decided to simply embrace her in silence.

Y/n hated that she appeared weak in front of him, a boy she'd only met moments ago. Regardless, she still found herself hesitantly wrapping her arms around him and gripping the back of his shirt. She knew she didn't deserve this kind treatment but just this once, couldn't she accept it?

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