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I attended school like nothing happened yesterday. And lucky for me, there's no morning surprise for me like yesterday's egg mess.

I walk down the hallway, rubbing my ear. I sat on my chair and pull out my book. I was just going to proceed on doing my thing but a guy beside kept staring. And once I glanced at him, I recognize him.

Its that freckle guy from yesterday that asked me questions. So he's my classmate after all.

"I see that we're classmates. Thank you for telling me where the classroom was yesterday."

"It was nothing."

"My name is Felix Lee. Nice to meet you."

He smiled and held his hand out for a handshake.

"I'm YN Kang. Sorry if I was rude yesterday, I was in a hurry." I do the same and we shake hands.

"No its fine-"

"Eww! YN! What are you doing to the new guy?!"

Here we go.

"It's the guy's second day and you're already making him your victim? That's low YN."

"Hey man, if I were you I wouldn't get involve with her."

"Yeah dude, she's up to no good."

"Next thing you know, she just wants to get in your pants!"

These lunatics really know how to make me lose my temper. But then again, I can't do anything about it. Just have to let them be. Again.

I'll just stare on my book as they talk shit about me. Fill Felix's mind with bad things about me. Not that I care. He seemed nice, too bad he's just going to be like them in the end.

"Hey hoe, look out." someone yelled and then when I looked over to them flour dusted on my whole upper body.

The thrower and the one who yelled laughed on their stomachs, and the rest of the class did too.

"We should've brought eggs too, then she can really bake something!"

The white flour also dusted my desk and my things.

"Hey! Stop that! That's not very nice of you. You shouldn't treat your classmate like that."


The whole class turned quiet. I was shocked and surprised. I looked, wide eyes at Felix.

Did he just...defend me?

"Gosh man, you don't have to be such a kill joy. It's all good."

"Yeah, she never minds us. She's more cool headed than you think."

I watch as his expression turn to worry to annoyed.
"I'm not being a kill joy. And this certainly isn't good. Why do you guys even bully her and talk shit about her?"

This isn't good at all. What if they bully Felix as well for defending me? I can't let anyone experience what I have.

"Felix...it's fine. Please just ignore all this." I mumble to him.

"See? She's alright. Nothing for you to be so furious about."

Felix turns to me like I'm insane or something. He looks at the class like he was thinking then, he grabs my arm and pulls me up.

"Let's go to the clinic." he says before pulling me with him out of the room. Our classmates just watched us leave.

We walk through the hallway without an utter of a word. He's hold on my arm got loose and he seemed to have calmed down.

We get to the clinic finding it unoccupied.

"You should sit down on the bed, I'll get you a wet towel."

I sat down like he said and stared at him, rubbing my ear, and at what he was doing. He grabs a towel he found from the cabinet and drenches it with the water from the faucet. He squeezes it and the excess water drops down on the sink.

"Thank you." he hands me the towel and start to wipe my face to get the flour off me.

"How long have they been doing this too you?" he asks siting next to me.

"Since 5 months ago. I'm used to all of it by know. They seem to have new ideas everyday on how to torture and bully me."

"And you never fought back? Not even once?" he's tone started to get frustrated again. Why is he even doing this? Why is he so concerned?

"If I fought back, it'll just make things worst than it already it."

"But, is going through all this really worth it?"

"Worth it or not, I want to keep things down. Getting my mom called by the school is the last thing I want to happen."

If I get my mom called to school, she wouldn't care. So there's no point. She'll just plainly shrug it off like its no big deal.

That makes me feel even worse.
The feeling of not being important.

He stared at me.

What is he thinking? I can't really tell.
But then he stands up.
"I'll be right back." then he rushed out.

"huh?" what was that?

Isn't he a bit odd? Not the bad odd. Just, maybe because he's the first to be like that to me. Worry and care.

What he's done...feels so strange to me.

I sigh, my head starting to hurt a little. There's still some flour left on my hair. I dust of my clothes with my hands.

I search the room, finding something to keep entertained. I found a candy jar.

"Perfect." I hop off the bed and go to the nurses desk. Opening the jar, I take four pieces of milk lollipops in two colors. A pink and a green on. The pink one is probably strawberry flavored. I don't know about the green one though.


My shoulders jolt up from the loud thud of the clinic door. Felix appeared holding our bags and he's catching his breath.

"We gotta go YN!"

"What- Woah!" he grabbed my hand and pulled me out and started to run. "Felix?"

"I might have got caught by the teacher not too long ago as I was getting our bags. We're about to cut class YN." he explained while running.

"Hey! You two! Get back here!"

Our homeroom teacher yelled from up the staircase.

"Run YN!"

"I am running!"

Not the first time cutting classes for me but its the first that I have to run from a teacher. I never got caught. But this guy... Why did he suddenly decided to cut classes? Isn't this going to be bad for him?

Not too far, the school gate was open. But the school guard was there.

"Let's go over the wall, there." he points at the wall. Its far from getting us seen by the guard.

"How are we-?"

I didn't get to finish my sentence, Felix positioned himself to lift me up on the wall. The wall itself wasn't that tall.

"Here." I grab the bags from him and placed my foot on his hands then place my other foot on his shoulder.

I stop on top of the wall and reached my hand out to him, he takes it and reaches his other hand on top of the wall to raise his self.

Finally we both jump off to the other side. Successfully getting out of school without much trouble.

"Let's go over to the waiting shed, the teacher might make the guard run after us." I adviced. He agreed so we both quickly ran to the waiting shed.

He Fixed Me [Felix X Reader] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now