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Earlier this morning Felix called me, asking me if I have time after work. Even if I don't have time, I would still make time for him.

Right now, I'm sitting in my office in the coffee shop I own. I have the blinds down for privacy. This place is usually where I work on important things, like organizing the clues and leads I have about my father.

Jerome Kim sent me a file via email of a list of names of the people my dad met in the cell. It also has info about the guards that work there. I'll have to go through every single name one by one and check their backgrounds.


My phone vibrated on the table, I had turned it to silent so I wouldn't get distracted. I pick it up and see a text message from Felix.

[Felix Lee : Hope you don't mind but I'm down stairs at the cafe.]

With that, I stand up and reach for the blinds to peek out. And indeed, Felix was looking my way from downstairs with a paper bag. He waved and grinned.

I completely forgot about my work and quickly rushed out of my office. There was a descent amount of customers today and my workers seem to be in a good mood.

"Felix, what a surprised. You said we'd meet later." I smile at him and gave him a hug once I was off the stairs.

He hugs me back tighter. "I happened to have a lot more free time than I thought."

He's unsurprisingly clingy. Even back in the days.

"And I wanted to eat these with you." he holds up the bag. "These are [favorite pastry/dessert] that I made myself." he hands it over to me.

I am utterly amazed. And I just know that I'm falling for him more and more everytime we meet.

"Really? These are my favorite. I'm sure they'll taste delicious since you made them. We can partner it with some coffee." I offer.

"Totally, I do hope you'll like them. I'm not really that good yet at baking."

We take a table that's near the stair case. I ask one of my staffs to make us coffee while I took some plates for the pastry Felix brought. I got back to the table with the plates and utensils we might need.

"I knew you were foodie, you used to take me to different restaurants and shops back then. It was fun and made me fat." we both laugh to what I said.

"Oh yeah, I remember. I made you drink [drink you hate] then you barfed in the bathroom and I had to hold your hair up. It was kind of funny."

"Right, it was the women's bathroom and they were all looking at you. Why did I even agree to drink that stuff, I can't remember."

He laughed. His smile was so happy I felt flustered. It was like he was charming me in every way possible. His fresh face with less makeup, his natural freckles on his skin, his none hair sprayed hair that looks so soft to touch. He's making me feel like I have absolutely nothing to be worried or scared about, like I don't have a single problem in my life.

"Here is your coffee, enjoy." my waiter placed them on out table and left.

"Alright, you should start the tasting. Give me your most honest opinion." he said adjusting the plate near me.

"Okay, honest opinion. You said it. Don't feel sad if I give you a low rating." I giggled.

"I will accept your feedback with an open heart." he placed his hand on his chest. "And if it so happens that you love it, I will be your personal baker from now on. How about that? And even if its not a dessert, just tell me and I'll cook it for you."

"Wow, that's a nice offer. We'll see."
Just from the look of the pastry, my mouth is already watering. And the aroma is not that strong but good. I take my first bite and savored the flavor that's melting in my mouth.

"Felix, this is good! It's really really good. I love it!" I exclaimed taking a second bigger bite of the food.

His face lit up and held his hands up in excitement. "Yes! She loves it. Yes!" he looks so childish it's like he won.

"Oh I'll definitely make you bake this more. This is so good." I didn't even notice I finished it already. I wasn't usually a fast eater. "It's been so long since I last had this."

"Well, I'm happy that you loved it." he stared at me, nonstop smiling. "Oh you got a little-" he reached for a tissue and gently wiped it on my lips. He was so fast I wasn't even able to comprehend what happened.

I was too focused on him focusing on my lips.

"My, isn't this romantic." we turn our head forward. Ms. Choi was smirking at us. "I thought you were working, cause you keep ignoring my phone calls."

I gasp and took out my phone, indeed there was 6 miss calls from her. "Ah sorry about that, I had it on silent for a while."

"I figured." she smiled forcefully. "Then I'll meet you upstairs when your done." she leaves us goes up the stairs, her heels sounded irritated.

"Sorry, I knew you were busy yet I still came here and bothered you." he said.

"No Felix, its okay. I was feeling a little tired earlier and was about to take a break anyway. You came just in time." I assured him.

"Alright then, but I think I should go. We'll still meet later afternoon, okay."

I would want to stay with him longer but of course there is work that has to be done.

"Okay, where should we meet up?"

"I'll text you."

Once Felix left, I go back to my office where I found Ms. Choi typing on my computer.

"I thought you were going to take longer." she said without batting an eye.

"He wasn't really supposed to come by this early but that's besides the point, why are you here? I sent you to take care of things at the company."

"Yes, I am in the middle of that but I had to show this to you." she motions me to look at the computer screen so I stood behind her.

I study what she has presented on the screen and my face cringes. "A masquerade ball? Are you expecting me to participate in that?"

"You'll have to, because of this." she clicks on the mouse and a news article shows up. "These guys will be there."

A picture of Kim Taepyung and Choi Min Soo.

[A/N: for those who don't remember them, their the bad guys]

"They are one of the VIP's of the ball. Since they also have contributed to your grandfather's company, they are believed to be close friends."

"So what you're saying is, we are going to use this ball as an opportunity to investigate them and get any evidence."

"Exactly! Jerome is coming back in two days with his partner France. Then us four will be going to the masquerade ball in pretty suits and dresses." She excitedly clapped her hands.

"Tell me, you just want to dress up." She froze on her seat. "Gotcha."

"Ms. Kang! It's not everyday you get to doll yourself up to impress that one person you want to seduce. Once Jerome sees me in my sexy and sophisticated ball gown, he'll be on his knees asking my hand for a hot romantic night with him." And there she goes to wonderland. She's literally daydreaming on my office chair.

But she's right. At the part where this ball is a chance to look for any evidence or new information on Kim Taepyung and Choi Min Soo. And I guess dressing up once in a while isn't so bad.

He Fixed Me [Felix X Reader] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now