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Flash back

"Why do you always make me worry, Felix? Do you know how fast I ran from economics class to get here? And that class was from the third floor! I had to fly down the stairs."

YN kneeled on the ground beside Felix who just got his forehead hit by a soccer ball. The other students, 4 or 6, were watching YN wipe off the dirt on his face with a wet wipe.

"You worry too much, it wasn't that strong of a hit. Ack!" YN had pressed lightly on his forehead that made him flinch.

"You call that not strong of a hit? It's bleeding for fu-" "No swearing."

Felix had cut her curse off making her grumble and glare at him in which he giggle on.

"Enjoy getting babied by the school whore, Felix?" As if things weren't already worse, a male student who was in the soccer team approached them with his friends behind him.

"What did you just-" "Don't." YN stopped Felix from standing up. "You can't just stand up like that, you might fall."

"YN, I'm fine but this pr-" "Language?" Now it was YN's turn to cut his swear off but with a sterner tone.

"Look at them acting lovey dovey, it's disgusting! HAHAHA!" They laughed at the two who could only glare and look away.

Felix, slowly started to stand up. He's head throbbed a little and made him hold his head. YN supported him as he stood by the arm.

"We need to go to the clinic and let you lay down."


They left the field and went inside the school building to the clinic. Felix was quiet on the way there. The scene and what those students said about YN repeated inside his aching head. Why do they keep calling her that? Why do they have to keep bullying her like this.

YN stayed quiet as well as they walked on the hall. What exactly happened out there? Did those bastards hit his head on purpose? Was is all a scheme? They really deserve to suffer for hurting Felix like this!

Both furious in there own heads, they arrived in the clinic. The nurse somehow always out whenever they visit.

YN helped him towards the bed. "I'm not that badly hurt YN, you're treating me as if I can't walk." He lightly laughed sitting down.

she wanted to smile and laugh at it but she was too emotionally hooked up. She couldn't understand why those bullies' had to treat Felix like this when his still new to the school.

"YN?" He called her with a concerned look, holding out his hand to her cheek. "Your eyebrows are connecting."

She glanced at him relaxing her face. "I hate this. This feeling."

"What feeling?" he gently grabbed her hand that was tightly wrapped around her wrist and pulled it close to him.

"I hate seeing you suffer like this because of me, your the first to ever reach out to me and even take notice of me. You were the first to notice I was suffering and you've been saving me ever since. But I hate this! I hate that you're getting the suffering that should be meant for me." she closed her eyes and the tears dropped and slid down her face.

The hand he took was shaking and clenched into a fist. Felix rubbed his thumb comfortingly on top of her hand. "YN." he called to her. The ache on his head seemed to subside from her sight From her weak state, the only thing left on his mind was to hold her.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry Felix." She gasped for air and continued crying.

"YN." he pulled her to him and wrapped her other arm under her legs to put her on his lap. She flinched but gave in on his touch. He hugged her so closely and securely, they knew it was going to be hard to pull away from each other.

"YN" He called to her once again.

"Why do you... keep repeating my name?" She asked though her voice cracked.

"YN." his tone was calming and full, as if he called to stop her from crying.

She looked up at him after wiping off her tears and her face with the towel she was supposed to use to wipe his forehead with.

Once she did look at him, Felix gave her a sweet gentle gaze and smile. "You finally looked at me."

She was sure that she was going to cry again but the touch of his hand to her cheek rather gave her sparks and butterflies. He leaned in closer to let their foreheads touch.

"Felix, don't." She moved back and stared at his red forehead. "You'll hurt you're forehead."

He averted his eyes down and decided to rest his chin on her shoulder, hugging her closer. "I'm not suffering, YN. I never felt like I was, ever. And ever since meeting you, all I've felt was acceptance and honesty. And I can't thank you enough for that. You're...special to me."

Special... the word repeated in her head. 'I'm special to someone' she cheered internally. A smile creeping on her face.

"You're happy hearing that aren't you?" She flinched. How did he know? She can sense him smirking behind her.

"Shut up, you're head is still hurting don't pretend like your all good."

"Ah she's back to nagging again." He lifted his head off her shoulder to see her face and he forced his forehead to touch hers.

"Ah Felix you're-" "I'm okay. Don't worry HAHA!"

Their noses touch from their movement and giggles left their lips. He slid his hands on hers and raised them up to get in between their chest, holding them tenderly.

"You're so touchy today." she chuckled off like it was the usual though it was. "Is that forehead really hurting? I'm starting to think you're faking it."

"It actually hurts but not that much anymore. You're healing it for me right now." He smirked.

"Oh god, that was so cheesy. I cant."

"Oh come on, I know you liked it."

"Do I though?"

End Of Flash back

"Tell me where he is! Right now you fucking bastard!" YN held an almost beaten up guy by the collar.

"He- was t-taken by Hyung-nim. A-at the warehouse in Busan." he confessed. YN shoved him to the wall and he fell on the floor but squirmed to get up and run away from the dark aura the girl was emitting.

"Fuck!" she kicked a small wooden crate near her and it stumbled over wit a loud sound almost breaking.

"I swear to God Ma Dong Seok...I will kill you." her voice trailed menace and danger. Her hands were in fists and her knuckles were bleeding. A cut on her lower lip and on her forehead. Her clothes were soiled and messy and she was catching her breath.

He Fixed Me [Felix X Reader] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now