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At 3pm, I clocked out of the café and greet my staffs goodbye. It feels nice to be in good terms with your employees. They're happy with their paycheck too. And just when I got out Felix sent me a text.

[Felix: Let's meet up at the mall near you, I'm by Wendy's."

Good thing I didn't wear office clothes today. If I did I would've looked like Felix's manager or older sister. I unlock my car and get inside. Actually, a little TMI, I bought this car by accident. My original plan was to buy a cool motorcycle but on the day of purchasing it I found out that my Aunt changed it. Me on the other hand, couldn't complain a single thing about it.

She's my aunt, she's like a mother and I couldn't just argue with her.

But anyway, the car is being used efficiently so I'm not completely disappointed. But I still will buy myself a cool motorcycle. Imagine a midnight drive with the brilliant lights of the city in the background.

I arrived at the mall and go straight to where Wendy's was. And as I got closer I noticed a familiar really tall guy. He was with another tall guy. I think I was staring for too long to recognize who he was, he looked my way. His eyes widened and he started walking towards me and pulled down his mask.

"YN, it's been a while." He greeted with bright almond eyes.

"Soobin, it's nice to see you. How have you been? How's Sean? (he's dog)"

"We're both good but I've gotten occupied lately I haven't gone home yet to visit him. I'm sure he misses you. Why are you here at the mall? Shopping?"

"Nope, I'm here to meet with my friend." The his friend stood beside him and looked me up and down.

"Hello, are you Soobin's friend? I'm Yeonjun." He greeted waving a hand.

"Yes, I'm YN. You both here to hangout?"

"Yeah, taking a short break. We should catch up sometime. Can I come by the coffee shop next week?"

"Of course, you can always come by. I'll tell my crew to give you a special discount for coffee. And bring your friends too, you can paint there."

Behind Soobin and Yeonjun, I can see Felix standing by a door on his phone and earphones Just seeing him cracks a smile on me.

"Bro we should go, Taehyun just said the manager wants to see us." Yeonjun said.

Soobin turned to me with a lowkey pouty face. "Guess we should be on our way, I'll see you next time YN."

"Yes, see you next time. Take care." I watch them leave before walking up to Felix. He's wearing a beanie today it's so cute.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." He lifts his head up and looks at me, instantly grinning. He puts his phone away with his earphones.

"I wasn't waiting that long, how was your day?"

"It was fine, how about yours?"

"Oh it was great, I got to dance to a new song and me and the boys went out for lunch. It was fun. So where do you want to go first?"

"Hmm, I don't really know. Let's walk for now and see where we end up."

We start walking. The mall was big as it is. And the only mall I ever went to. There are a lot of stores I haven't seen before or went into yet. I usually buy everything online since I find it more convenient because of my work.

Felix seems to know the mall a lot better than I do. And he has a lot to talk about. He points at a few shops and shares a story about it. Listening to him talk about him his friends, makes me really happy and relieved. He has more happy memories and fun moments. Unlike mine, up until know, I've only ever thought of my father.

"That looks like a new store, let's check it out." I was a little spaced out, so when Felix held my hand my thoughts were cut off. His grip was so warm and gentle. "Oh it's a anime merch store, nice!"

Why am I so happy that he's dragging me all around the store. He's so excited I couldn't let go of his hand.

"Look, cat ears." He takes a black cat ear head band, he needed both his hands so he had to let go. He puts the cat ears on me. This makes me feel embarrassed. I couldn't help but cover my eyes but I was smiling.

"Ay, don't cover your face. I want to take a picture of you."

"What? Don't, I don't look good." He removes my hands and raises his camera.

"You look great to me, so pose properly unless you want to look funny in the picture."

I sigh and give in. "How am I even supposed to pose?" I ask more to myself.

"Do it like this and say meow." he has his hand in fists that's under his chin, posed like a cat.

"I'm not doing that!"

"You are! Do it and I'll pay for dinner." Paying for dinner doesn't really sound fair to me since I can buy 10 times the amount of any normal dinner.

"Alright fine, but you can't show that to anyone else."

"I promise." I do the pose and meow like how he told me to. It was utterly embarrassing and he laughed after taking the shot.

"Why'd you laugh?!"

"Ahaha nothing hahaha."

I take off the cat ears and give it to him. I look around by myself inside the shop and saw a cute stuff toy that looks great to cuddle with. It has a really soft texture.

"Found something?" A weight was suddenly placed on my left shoulder and it made me jolt and step back slightly. I turned my head and came face to face with Felix, he was so close our noses touched.

For a glimpse, he looked at my lips then looked away. "A stuff toy..." Damn he smells great.

"Wanna get it?"

In the end I payed for it. Felix was all pouty saying he'd buy it for me but I beat him to it. "Your paying for food anyway remember?"

"Alright, what shall we eat first then?" he takes the bag from me, what a gentleman he is.

"Do you know a good shawarma place?"

"Of course I do. I will lead the way." we laugh at his acting.

The whole time I was with him, I felt really happy. He makes me feel free. And his playfulness makes me act like a child. His simple gestures of opening doors for me, asking if I'm having fun, and holding my hand once in a while, all of that makes me think. Do I even deserve him?

He Fixed Me [Felix X Reader] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now