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Pulling over in the parking I ran into a bit of a scene. I put on my coat and grab the bags from the back of the car. I knew I shouldn't have gotten out of the car just yet but I thought nothing would go wrong.

"I'm sorry, but you can't park here bitch. And mind your own fucking business."

"Yeah, who are you to be parking in the same agency as Stray Kids?"

These girls just sassed at me in their bratty outfits: long colored nails and wannabe styles. My eyes study them up and down. They have absolutely no idea who I am but that doesn't mean they can disrespect me like this.

"I'm parking here because I have business in the agency. So how about you stop harassing this girl and go home? Hm?" I give them my best business smile.


It. Fucking. Stings.

"The fuck?" I mumbled, rubbing my cheek. This is what I fucking get when I go out of my way to help strangers.

You see, I saw these two girls harassing this one girl who is small and looks fragile. While the other two girls were tall and quite stronger than her. It sickens my stomach to see weak people being victims. At first, I was just going to pass by them but when I heard their conversation...I just couldn't help it.

"That's what you get for being so nosy, wrench. Who are you anyway?!"

The small girl held my arm and looked up at me in shock and worry. "I'm so sorry! You don't need to help me, please." she cried.

"Whiney little baby! Can't stand up for herself HAHAHAHA!" They laughed.

Gently, I placed down the paper bags I had and rolled up my sleeves. "Hey, do you have life insurance?" 

They looked at me confused.

"If you're smart enough you'd start runnin', now." I slowly reach my hand behind me and pull out my gun. "How about it?" I pressed the hammer down to load it with my thumb.

"She's crazy!"


They screamed and fled. Pussy.

"Umm..." The little one squeaked. I unload my gun and put it back in my belt. 

"Sorry you had to see something like that, my name is YN. Are you alright? I saw them kick you." She shook her head and bowed.

"I'm really sorry about what just happened. And thank you for saving me! I'm... alright." Her hair is a mess, and so are her clothes.

I reach my hands out and she stares up at me. "May I?" She blinked not getting what I meant. But I touch her hair anyway. I combed it down with my fingers and reclip her hairpin. After that, I unwrinkled her collar and tucked her hair behind her ear. That looks much better.

"There, now you look better. Your name?" I smile. She's kinda pretty.

"Um- I-I'm Rina. I work here in JYP." She says touching her neck.

"Ah, I see. Were you about to go inside? If you are, we can go together."

"Y-Yes! I mean sure."

And then we did. She got off on the third floor and I went straight to the seventh. I ran into the manager and he was happy to see me. He told me that the boys were in a practice room right now and I can go right in.

I quietly walked in and everyone was focused and the music was loud. I've never seen Felix so focused and hot at the same time like this. Everyone was doing a great job. 

"Miss YN?" Jeongin was the first to notice me the rest whipped their head toward me.

"YN!" Felix gasped and ran to me. Lifting me up in a hug. "Oh my gosh! You're here, I can't believe it. I missed you!"

"I missed you too. I brought food and drinks."

"WOOHOO!" They cheered.

"Just in time, we're starving." Changbin runs to me with a big smile.

"Hey! I get to have food first, Lover priority." Felix blocked him with his hand, pouting.

There were boos in the crowd and I could just laugh. I stayed there for a while, just watching. It was fun to do something out of my usual routine. Better, because I get to be with Felix. It makes me wonder how far we'll be going from now.

"You okay there? Aren't you bored?" Felix sits beside me on the couch they have in the practice room. He's all sweaty and his hair is wet.

"Not at all, I'm actually having fun. You work really hard." I pet his head and he grins. He pulls me in for a hug and snuggles his face on my chest like a little kid.

"Should I skip practice?" he giggles and looks up at me.

"What are you? A high schooler? No finish practice so I can drive you home." I pinch his cheeks.

"How about I stay over instead hehe~"

"We can go with that. Wanna watch a movie?" 

"That's exactly what I was going to say."

A little while later, night came and we left the agency at 9:30 pm. We head to the parking and got in my car.


My head whips back as I was about to close my car door. "Did you hear that? Sounds like a camera shutter."

"Is someone there?" Felix asks, he was already in his seatbelt.

I look around with my eyes but It was a bit dark. All I could see was the near ground lighted by the light poles.

"I don't see anybody." I step out of the car and look. "Hey Felix, can you pass me that laser sight in the cup holder?" I pull out my gun from my waist.

"You have a gun?! I thought you were-"

"It's okay, just hand it over." I calmly tell him.

Panicking a little, he opens the compartment and searches inside. He found it and gave it to me. I attach it to my gun. 

"Stay here, okay?"

"You're not even an officer YN, let's just get out of here."

"Stay here." I pressed and he sits there in worry and frustration. 

In a ready stance, I aim for my gun and slowly move to where I heard the noise. The parking lot had no less than 15 cars at rest. Small noises from the streets can be heard. Then I hear footsteps.

I turn right and stop.

I wait for them to move again. They did and I saw them.

Well, I saw her.

I lower my gun and looked at her confused.


He Fixed Me [Felix X Reader] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now