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Not being to comfortable staying in the hospital for even two days, YN pleaded Felix to allow her to get discharged.

"Please Felix, this hospital bed is just going to get me even more miserable." She swings his hand that she held on to for an hour now, just begging him. He only stares at YN with a straight face and shakes his head every time she ask him.

"Feeeliiiiix, pleeeaassee!" She pout up at him.

"You're not leaving this bed until the doctors say you can. You're supposed to be resting. I know that you will go straight to work once you get out of here." He pulls a chair without taking his hand away from hers. He sat beside the bed and got comfortable.

"Don't you have work to do for your absence the past days?" YN looks away still pouting that it made Felix crack a smile.

"Why? Don't you want me to stay here? Maybe I should go back now." he smirks when she pulled him closer to prevent him from leaving.

"Alright, fine. I'll stay for one more day but that's it. So stay put and... take care of me." Her voice got quieter as she spoke.

Felix smiles sweetly at her and can't help the urge to run his fingers down her hair and place a kiss on her forehead. He pressed his lips on her forehead for a couple of seconds before touching his forehead on hers.

They stare at each other eyes, getting into that sweet and loving moment. "I'm never gonna let anyone hurt you again YN. You're not going to suffer alone anymore. I'm going to make sure you're treated properly. But you have to do me a favor."

YN raises her good hand to touch his cheek glancing on his lips. "What favor?"

Felix kisses her nose and her cheeks, then speaks softly to her... "That you'll never put everything on yourself from now on. Rely on me, please. You have me, so there's no need to do everything by yourself. Don't oblige yourself to be responsible for everything."

The words melted her and ever second of hearing his voice got her on the urge of tears. Until she stopped preventing herself and finally allowed the tears to fall. His thumb rubbing off the tears that fell of her eyes.

"I'm so glad you're here Felix." she cried.

"Me too. And I'll always be here." he kissed her head, her forehead, her eyes, her cheeks and gave her a peck on the lips.


"Hey, YN?" Felix called from the bed he was chillin on holding his textbook on historical literature.

"Yeah?" YN replied not looking away from her notebook from her desk as she wrote her notes down.

"Have you tried horse back riding before?"

The question stopped her from writing and turn her chair to face him.
"Hmm, nope. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I just saw this picture of a prince teaching his princess how to get on a horse." he pointed on his textbook showing the illustration.

YN moved and sat next to him on the bed, putting her hand over him so she cpuld lean down to see the picture. Felix is laying down on his belly on the bed.

"Ohh that one. Well, horse back riding would be fun. Riding in a very vast field of grass, hmm that does sound fun." she smiled as she wondered about it in her head.

"We should try it one day. But I'll learn it first so I could be the one to teach you." he grinned up at her.

YN thought it was so precious of him but a sad emotion was hidden behind her excited smile.

"One day, we will." she mumbled staring at the back of his head, wondering the things that could happen in the future based of choices that she'll soon make.


YN got discharged the next day. She has her arm cast on that she argued about with Ms. Choi and Felix, telling them that she doesn't need it but she ended up having it either way.

"You guys love me too much." she sighed as she got inside her car. "I can drive but you won't let me."

"No driving for you young lady. I'm you're driver today." Felix smirked from the driver's seat. "I didn't get my license in a hurry for nothing." he started the car and locked the seatbelt.

"And as for you two?" YN looks at Jerome and France who sat on the middle row with Ms. Choi in between them. I thought it was only Ms. Choi and Felix who were going to get me?"

"Oh come on Boss, we're not that cold hearted to not even send our boss off farewell to lovely paradise? Right, France?" Jerome spoke addressing France who only nodded.

"It's not lovely paradise, I'm not taking a vacation until everything's been settle. I also need to look into Felix's situation. I can't just let him disappear from his fans just like that. He's reputation will be damaged."

'She already thinking ahead, this is why she's so stressed.' They all thought in their heads.

"Don't worry, YN. I've already settled that problem." Felix smirks as he drives, feeling real proud of himself. He peeked at the mirror to see her reaction and she just stared at him with a genuine surprised face.

"Oh, really? That's...that's good." she leans back on her seat, kind of out of it like she's spacing out.

Because she's so used to doing most of the things herself she felt weird that someone did it for her without her ordering it. But she felt good.

The rest of the day consisted of YN and Felix packing their bags for the trip. Jerome, Ms. Choi and France settled in the café for the rest of the case and so they could help YN's uncle.

At the port the next day where YN's uncle had texted to her, they met up to use his boat to get to the private Island Kang Wooyoung owned. It was an island that was certified to be unseen on the map. It was once used to save the countries from the war but now its been sold to my father's family and ended in my uncle's hands.

"I have everything you need there, don't worry. And the signal there is great."

YN squinted her eyes and looked at Uncle through her sunglasses, the sun was shining too much for her liking. Felix wore his usual casual outfit and the same sunglasses YN has.

"As it should." she mumbled. "By the way this is Lee Felix, my BOYFRIEND." she held Felix hand and showed it to her uncle, exaggerating the word 'boyfriend'.

Felix could only control his laughter on how possessive she can be when it comes to him.

Wooyoung sighed and crossed his arms. "I can see that." He then glances at Felix. "Take good care of her, if she gets cranky you can always call me pretty boy."

'The words coming out with a husky deep voice of a 40 year old uncle sounds so oddly weird yet sounds like any other yaoi line with Daddy issues.' the couple both thought looking at Wooyoung with different expressions. YN glared while Felix smiled unsurely.

"Alright, we can talk some other time. Time for you two to leave."

The bags got carried inside the boat by Wooyoung's men and Felix helped YN get on before he hopped on.

"Uncle!" YN called out.


With a smile of gratefulness she yelled back, "I'm leaving my dad to you, thank you."

He didn't answer back but YN knew he's more than welcome to help her.

"You better update me on what happens, Uncle!" she added.

"Yeah Yeah!"

(I'm so sorry if the chaps feel so rushed, I'm a little lost on what to do next but don't worry I'm gonna update again soon. Thank you so much guys! Stay safe, remember you are appreciated so much even if no one says or sees it.)

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