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"Is it safe to talk to her?" Jerome whispered to Ms. Choi beside him.

"It would be wise...not too. Unless you want to see her pen stabbed in your neck then suit yourself." The female replied as she cleaned up piles of documents from YN's table. They were both gazing at YN who was downstairs at the café, sitting quietly by the window alone with a pen and a notebook.

What she was writing and thinking about, they both couldn't tell. But what they do know is that she is not in the mood to joke around.

"Is it true though? That her soulmate got kidnapped?" France asked upon entering the office with a long cello case. "She just asked me to bring in my sniper." The weapon he mentioned was inside the case.

"There's no doubt that YN is in a frustrating state now and she might make some irrational decisions. It's true, Felix was kidnapped by Ma Dong Seok the other night while he was on his way home from Busan." Ms. Choi answered.

France adjusted on his chair, "You mean THE Ma Dong Seok? With the 15 plus warehouses storing bombs and guns all over China, Russia and Korea? Huh, who would've thought that bulky old man would be interested on young pretty guys."

The secretary rolled her eyes and smacked the back of France's head. "That's not why he kidnapped him, you ass! It's because he's YN's weakness and Ma Dong Seok is trying to get what he needs through him."

France could only rub the pain behind his head and lean back on his chair.

Jerome silently laughed at his friend from getting smacked quite harshly. He turned towards the window, where YN was, and jolted in surprise. "Where did the boss go?" he frantically asked.

"What do you mean? She left?" The three quickly went down to the first floor and there was no sign of YN.

"Maybe she just went for a breather." France thought scanning down the open page of the notebook she left.

"She's not in the right state of thinking right now. That girl is way more possessive than you think." Ms. Choi stressed.

"She's possessive? When I was about to die she didn't even bother to help me." Jerome exclaimed feeling betrayed for some reason.

"Really? About to die from a Dobermann? That dog was wearing a leash for god's sake."

"It's still a dog! A ferocious beast that could pull off my limbs one by one!"

"Um...should we be concerned about this List she left?" France spoked a little louder so he could stop the two from fighting.

Ms. Choi and Jerome then walked closer to France who was seating where YN was earlier. They stood beside him and read the contents of the page.

"This isn't just a list, this is a plan. And she's starting right now! We have to catch up!" Ms. Choi ran up to the office to get her things. The two males looked at each other clueless of what to do.

"You mean this is the plan on how getting her lover back? Isn't this too vague?" Jerome grabbed the notebook from France's hands. "It just says, Choi Soobin, Ballroom Painting, Buy Bombs, Busan and Guns. What the heck does that even mean?"

"I don't know about Choi Soobin, but I do know about the ballroom painting. We're supposed to plant a camera behind the paintings before the ball starts tonight." France spoked his thoughts out loud. "And for the bombs, is it about buying bombs from Ma Dong Seok to get an interaction?"

"How do you know all that?" Jerome send him looks and France rolled his eyes.

"I'm an informant too remember?"

"Alright you bastards, time to move. I hate that she didn't tell us the plan clearly but she's probably in a hurry. Take these." Ms. Choi threw black bags to each of them.

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