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Felix POV

In the morning, YN gave me a ride back to the company. To be honest, she's like the boyfriend in this relationship. And I have absolutely no complaints about it.

She's calm and composed. It makes her sexy.

"Should we meet up after? What time do you finish?" She asks leaning against the stirring wheel.

Her hair was still wet, the water dripped on her leg. She changed into office clothes, a white polo unbuttoned over her white tank. Her sleeves were folded up to her elbows. Her silver watch glistened under the morning sunlight.

"I'm not sure. I'll text you right away once I'm done, but I'msure I won't take until night time."

She smiles and kisses me on the cheek. "Alright. See ya."

I close the door for her and watch her drive away.

Fuck she's so cute. She even kissed me. I touched my cheek and remember the way she looked when I woke up-right next to me in bed, hugging me tightly.

I miss her already.



With the problem of the threat out of the way. I need to show up at my grandfather's company now. If I don't and keep ignoring him, he'll start poking his nose into my business.

I'd rather hang out with Felix if I had the choice. Being in that office with my grandfather just makes me choke.

My grandfather, President Kang Byeol Shik, was a strict and intimidating man. But an old man can learn to be forgiving and soft to his children. Well, except for his son.

Escorted by his secretary, I greet him politely with a bow. "It's been a while, grandfather."

"Tsk. It's about time you show up here." He stood from his chair, closing the lead of his lighter and puffing a cloud of smoke. His cigar was new and the room was already suffocating my lungs. "Why have I not heard from you until now, huh? Do you want me to know things from other people when I can hear them directly from you?!"

"I have been very busy running the shop and finishing Father's case-"

"I HAD IT WITH THAT STUPID CASE!", He throws his cigar at me, hitting my exposed arm. "Can't you accept it already?"

"I'm almost done, grandfather. You will see it with your own two eyes, your SON will leave that courtroom as an innocent man!" my hands curled and shook. I'm frustrated. How can he lose so much faith in his own son?

He stopped. The guards and his secretary had already left us alone in his office.

"I'm doing my best...not to ruin this family more than it already has." My eyes tear up and my lips quiver. "Grandfather, you and my Aunt Jia are the only family members I can go to. Mom is happy with her other family and Dad was gone for so long in hiding. You know how desperate I am!"

"What...exactly do you have that can prove his innocence?"

"The mastermind was caught. And the footage that contains the crime scene is safe in my hands. Father will be proven not guilty."

With a solemn look on him, he walks towards me and gently holds my tensed shoulders. "I didn't know how emotional you were about all this. But, please, know when to stop."

Don't worry, I know when exactly to stop.



I have a bad feeling. I think I missed something really important. But I just can't put my finger on it.

"Practice ends at nine pm today."

"WHAT?" I gasped, "Wait, I thought that was for tomorrow?"

"Sorry Felix, schedules changed last minute. Do you have something important happening tonight?" Manager said.


"We have a big comeback soon, we need all the practice we can get to meet deadlines." Chan tells us.

What am I gonna tell YN? I told her we were gonna meet later. We barely get to be together.

"It's fine. I'm fine. All good. Haha..." I quickly take out my phone and message YN.


[Looks like I'll be held longer here than I thought. Is it okay if we go out next time?🥺]

I try and wait for her reply but she doesn't read them either. Well she must be busy. From the way she dressed earlier, must be a formal thing or somethin.

YN POV on the other hand...

"You need to stop. Everything will be fine soon enough."

Despite the comfort my uncle was trying to give me, I feel on edge. What was it? Was there something I missed? Is there something I did wrong to feel so on the edge?

"YN, are you listening to me? The trial is tomorrow and all the evidence and alibis are in place,  you need to relax."

"Uncle Wooyoung." I called, sighing.


"Are you sure about tomorrow? I have this bad feeling in my guts that's just- AW!" He flicked my head! "What was that for?"

"Kang YN, calm the fuck down. Do you know who ya talking to, huh?"

"Kang Wooyoung."

"Since when have I messed up shit?"

"...how should I know?"

"I haven't, now get the fuck outta my office and go annoy the heck outta your boyfriend."

I huffed and shot up. "Fine! I will do just that. See you tomorrow." I pouted and left. I meant to slam the door but I was to respectful to do that to him.

First, I take out my phone. Reading Felix's text I decide to pay him a visit. So of course I have to bring gifts.

Chicken, pizza, low diet sweet drinks maybe? I'll just get whatever he usually orders.

I made multiple stops to different stores to buy all the food and drinks I could think of that he likes.

Realizing that I'm putting so much effort to something other than my father's case...felt relaxing.

Should I go shopping with Felix next time? I want to buy him clothes I pick out. Hmmm...but he always has good clothes because of his modeling side track.

Now I'm just plain ass simping for my man. Which I am proud of hehe.

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